6-16-21 Nicole Sandler Show – The Dept of Injustice with Lisa Graves

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)     Biden met with Putin this morning, and Congress is still getting nothing done. I'll fill you in on all of that on today's show. But our main subject is Trump's Department of INjustice, which seems to come into clearer focus with each passing day. We'll talk about all we are learning with Lisa Graves, a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Clinton administration, so she knows the landscape there. Today, Lisa is Executive Director and Editor in Chief at True [...]

By |June 16th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 6-16-21 Nicole Sandler Show – The Dept of Injustice with Lisa Graves

10-7-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Four Years Later…

Download here or click below to play     Today is a weird anniversary. It was four years ago today, 10/7/16, that three major news stories all broke within a 90-minute period. The most important of the three was virtually ignored by the media, adding to the factors that came together to propel Donald Trump into the presidency. Today, we'll discuss that story- about the Russians' interference in the election- that pretty much fell through the cracks with David Shimer, author of the new book,  Rigged: America, Russia, and One Hundred Years of Covert Electoral Interference. Today's funny came from [...]

By |October 7th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 10-7-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Four Years Later…

7-19-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Radical Right with Nancy MacLean

  Trump is trying to resurrect the Zombie Trumpcare bill and introduced the "election integrity commission" today. I read from a piece from Aaron Blake at the Washington Post, "Why did Trump meet with Putin again? Here are three possibilities." Click through to read the rest of it. My guest today was Nancy MacLean, author of "Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of The Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America".

By |July 19th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-19-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Radical Right with Nancy MacLean

7-7-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Orwellian Election Integrity with Ari Berman

Donald Trump met with Vladmir Putin today in Hamburg at the G20. Here at home, the Trump DoJ is getting in on the voter suppression action along with Kris Kobach's "commission on election integrity". We talk about it with The Nation's Ari Berman. Ari Berman is a senior contributing writer for The Nation , where this week he wrote about the Kris Kobach voter suppression plan in the form of a “election integrity commission”… He also had a big piece in the June 13 issue of the NY Times Magazine, “The Man Behind Trump’s Voter-Fraud Obsession: How Kris Kobach, the [...]

By |July 7th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 7-7-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Orwellian Election Integrity with Ari Berman

4-7-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Bombs Away and Your Internet Privacy Too

Trump lobbed $88 million worth of Tomahawk missiles at Syria's Shayrat Airfield, and didn't even damage it badly enough to keep them from using it today. The entire charade is troubling. I covered it in today's What's News? episode and on the show... In the wake of D'ump's gutting of any internet privacy protections we may have previously enjoyed, I wanted to get some useful tips. So I invited Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, a Senior Staff Technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation on the show to talk about VPNs, two-step verification, https, and other tools we might want to use. Spend some [...]

By |April 7th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-7-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Bombs Away and Your Internet Privacy Too

2-2-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Really Bad Reality TV

It's Thursday, so Howie Klein was with us. Before the show, he joked on Twitter No, I'm not going to discuss the $1.6 billion bribe to Trump on @nicolesandler's show today-- unless she forces the issue. https://t.co/8GpW6hAEgS — Howie Klein (@downwithtyranny) February 2, 2017 When I asked him about that, his mood changed as he explained that he received a threatening phone call telling him to take down that post. The call came from an unknown person, to his unlisted number. These are scary times. But as Howie reminded us, last week, 35% of Americans said they already wanted to [...]

By |February 2nd, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-2-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Really Bad Reality TV

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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