Conservative website: “Rubio’s run is just about done.”

The headline quote comes from this conservative site. I hope it's accurate. Back in 2010, I wrote two posts: “Just what is going on here between” Marco Rubio & healthcare lobbyist Amber Stoner?  and The mystery of Marco Rubio & healthcare lobbyist Amber Stoner, Part 2. Link over for the back story and screen grabs from a very public, accessible database of Rubio’s credit card records. Maybe we'll finally get some answers to that lingering question during this election cycle.Via The Political Insider:But now, a new investigation by a South Carolina insider lets us know that a “mistress bombshell” is about to explode! Multiple [...]

“Every time you vote Republican, you probably are voting against your self-interest.” #CitizensUnited

Michael Hiltzik is a top notch columnist, and some of his readers who commented on a recent Los Angeles Times post of his apparently agree. He wrote about something that is destroying what's left of our democracy: Campaign finance, specifically the Supreme Court Citizens United decision that legally transformed corporations into people: In the wake of Citizens United, the voice of the ordinary citizen has all but disappeared from Capitol Hill. It doesn't matter whether the donors are Democrats or Republicans; money becomes a political interest on its own. Nor is it a virtue of Citizens United that it took contribution limits [...]

By |January 27th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Every time you vote Republican, you probably are voting against your self-interest.” #CitizensUnited

Dark money is “bribery that happens to be legal.” #ThankYouSCOTUS

In today's Los Angeles Times is an interview by Patt Morrison with Daniel G. Newman. Newman is co-founder and president of a Bay Area-based organization called MapLight. This is an article that is well worth a read and a share or twelve: MapLight's database looks at big industries and big interests, their elected beneficiaries and their votes. "There's a river of money that affects everything in politics, and candidates and donors don't talk about it, so it's left to MapLight and other groups to expose it," Newman says. Nice to know there are groups like Newman's around to try to deal [...]

LIVE VIDEO FEED! Ex-Va. Gov “Ultrasound” McDonnell verdict: GUILTY!!

UPDATE: GUILTY!!!!! Breakdown of verdict and charges at WaPo here.  11 guilty verdicts. UPDATE: Both Bob McDonnell and his wife found guilty on most charges. Mrs. McDonnell was found not guilty on a couple of them. Sentencing will be on January 6th. For all my previous posts on former Gov. Bob "Ultrasound" McDonnell, please scroll here. Well, at least now we know whether the "Throw the Crazy Little Woman with a Childlike Crush Under the Bus" defense worked. It didn't. Via NBC: The government had accused the McDonnells of doing special favors for Jonnie Williams, the former CEO of dietary [...]

Absurdity is the New Reality

The late Frank Zappa was way ahead of his time. Yes, Absurdity is the new Reality! Just a glance at the day's news is evidence of that. I began today's show with the news that hell has frozen over. The best explanation I've seen thus far about the DC Circuit Court ruling that rendered Net Neutrality dead comes from Fox "News"'s Shepard Smith! And then, he called his corporate shill of a guest a "corporate shill!". Once you pick your jaw up off the ground, watch this: Today, the Senate Finance Committee (under the exiting Max Baucus) will mark up [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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