6-12-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Stop Fast Track Friday

Today's the day that the House of Representatives will vote on Trade Promotion Authority, better known as Fast Track. It all comes down to this! We'll keep an eye on the vote and break in to see what our elected representatives do as it happens, and chat with Democracy for America chair Jim Dean about the letter they sent to members of Congress this morning, urging a NO vote. Our resident Republican, John LeBoutilliler, weighs in on some of the GOP presidential hopefuls. And for Flashback Friday, it's my rare interview with New Radicals' Gregg Alexander from May of 1999.

Leaks, Laffs and more in between

One of the first things I saw this morning was a tweet from The Nation's Greg Mitchell about a leak of the audio of Bradley Manning's testimony from his pre-trial hearing held a couple of weeks ago. Just out: Audio of Bradley Manning's court statement, one hour long, leaked and now published:bit.ly/W57hPk — Greg Mitchell (@GregMitch) March 12, 2013 A leak of the leaker.  Perfect. I followed this link to the Freedom of the Press Foundation page that published the audio, along with the YouTube video (below)  I shared on the show this morning, and an explanation of why they [...]

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Today's pre-show music was all about change, and I usually close the show with a clip of Clapton's "Change the World."  In 2008, Barack Obama ran on a theme of Hope & Change.  We can still hope, but are left waiting for the change. Instead of waiting, we can make change...  In the first hour of today's show, we explore a couple of ways. One is to get involved.  Democracy for America grew out of Dean for America and has become a great progressive force for change.  Arshad Hasan, DFA's executive director, is in Miami where he led a training [...]

I Won!

***File fixed.. This is now the May 11 episode of the Nicole Sandler Show*** For the second time in my life, I actually won something.  Democracy for America today announced the first round winners for their Netroots Nation 2010 Scholarships, and I was one of them!  There are two more rounds of competition, so it's not too late for you to throw your hat in the ring! My prize is one of 40 scholarships DFA will award to worthy bloggers, and includes registration and hotel accommodations for Netroots Nation, happening July 22-25 in Las Vegas!  I'm thrilled, as I believe [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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