11-8-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Election Day!

We finally made it to the end of this endless election season. At 11pm ET tonight, I expect to hear that Hillary Clinton has been elected president in the biggest blowout in history. I also hope she realizes that it will be due to everyone turning out to defeat Trump. I believe it'll be an anti-Trump mandate, as opposed to a pro-Clinton one. But we'll see how it plays out. There's still that little voice saying that people are fucking nuts, and that anything is still possible. As my stomach churns! It's Tuesday, so GottaLaff hung out with me, and [...]

By |November 8th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-8-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Election Day!

There Is No Planet B

Nicole discusses yesterday's largest-ever climate march and what we must do to change things. Engineer/inventor Mitch Heldt guests to tell us about some planet-saving inventions he's working on. Howie Klein joins in for The Steve Israel Hour, sponsored by Little Debbie to talk about climate-concerned candidates, Debbie's woes and what a real progressive looks like.

Gliberal Goddesses

Today, we inaugurated a new segment on the show - The Gliberal Goddesses! It's GottaLaff, Amy Simon and myself talking about things that women talk about, the way women talk about them. Today we discussed the Ray Rice domestic violence case and the NFL's sad response to it. So great to hear from Keith Olbermann again! While I agree with him, I also agree with Whoopi Goldberg We also discussed some Pat Robertson insanity (nothing new there), and the most outrageous comment of the day, this time from Geraldo Rivera... I don't think we'll have trouble filling this segment in [...]

BofA cancels Debit Fees – A Victory for the Protesters

Today's reversal by Bank of America on their proposed $5 monthly fee for users of debit cards shows that our voices are being heard.  A few people who know what they're talking about offer some advice... Last night, former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer (who probably could have become president if only he could have kept his dick in his pants) appeared on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and gave the protesters a few ideas: Rick Perlstein gave some pointers via his blog at Crooks and Liars An excerpt: ...the reason the Occupiers have changed attitudes in politicians, or at least become [...]

By |November 1st, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on BofA cancels Debit Fees – A Victory for the Protesters

Because They Said It Better Than I Could

From George Carlin... to Keith Olbermann... When will we ever learn? ***Updated*** And there's this, from my friend Sally Kohn's Movement Vision Lab, "Obama's Ultimatum: What the President Should Say to America, and Republicans". Of course, as usual, I did my fair share of talking on today's show too.  I was joined by John Atlas, author of Seeds of Change: The Story of ACORN, America's Most Controversial Antipoverty Community Organizing Group, who gave us the whole back story about ACORN and its downfall. The right took down ACORN, and did huge damage to Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod, Planned Parenthood and [...]

By |July 12th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Because They Said It Better Than I Could

Sending Allen West Packing, and Breitbart too

My highest priority in Nov 2012 is making sure Allen West is sent home.  That guy should be in a military brig, and certainly nowhere near a congressional office.  Thankfully, we have two Democrats vying to unseat him.  Last week, at Netroots Nation, I had the opportunity to speak with them both. This morning on the show, I played my interview with Patrick Murphy, a first time candidate for public office.  Tomorrow morning, we'll hear my interview with former West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel. I'll save my comments for after tomorrow's show, and after you've had a [...]

By |June 21st, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Sending Allen West Packing, and Breitbart too

And Glenn Beck is Still Out of his Fucking Mind

It's another busy Tuesday! Keith Olbermann's headed to Current TV. DLC will fold. No one's leaving Tahrir Square.  The House is back in session today, for a few hours anyway. And Glenn Beck is still out of his fucking mind. Those stories and more on today's Nicole Sander Show! Seriously... We started with another call to my new friend in Egypt. Marwa Rakha joined us on Thursday, and I called her again this morning for an update on the mood in Egypt. The reasons behind the uprising in Egypt are present here in the US as well.  We have an [...]

By |February 8th, 2011|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on And Glenn Beck is Still Out of his Fucking Mind

DC Date Night

Who will  your Congressional representatives will be sitting with tonight? Methinks that more attention will be focused on who is sitting with whom than what President Obama is saying as he delivers his State of the Union address tonight. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing... Although I don't expect any great revelations from our president, I am heartened to learn that he will not endorse the idea of raising the age for Social Security or making cuts to Medicare, as his "deficit commission" recommended.  We can expect lots of moving forward (lean forward?) talk.  Perhaps those are the words [...]

Good Night and Good Luck

I'm still stunned and angered by Keith Olbermann's surprise announcement at the end of his show Friday evening proclaiming that he "had been told" that evening's edition of "Countdown" would be his last. Although part of me is excited to see what he'll do next, I'll miss my nightly 8pm date with the man who speaks truth to power better than just about anyone else. I do believe January 21 is a date cursed.  On Friday, I bemoaned the first anniversary of the Supreme Court's heinous ruling in Citizens United v. FEC which opened the floodgates for corporate donations to [...]

By |January 24th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Good Night and Good Luck

Bring Me A Shrubbery!

Or better yet, please don't.  But it might be unavoidable. George W. Bush's "Decision Points" hits stores today, and the shrub hits the pr trail to promote it and try to rehabilitate his image.  Based on his first interview with NBC's Matt Lauer, it might not be possible.  (Video coming up at the end of the post, should you care to watch it.) Let's not forget the eight long years this country suffered with W at the helm.  Just before he left office, I took us on an alphabetical journey through his reign... Have a listen so you don't forget! [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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