6-20-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff

  GottaLaff joins us every Tuesday to talk about the news of the week. Today, we spent a lot of time discussing the Republican health care repeal and replace bill that no one except the 10-13 Republican men who are working on it has seen. I shared Greg Sargent's Morning Plum Line blog today, which gives the latest... We already knew that Senate Republicans were going to try to ram through their health-care bill by resorting to a scandalously secretive, absurdly compressed process. But now we have the details: According to the Wall Street Journal, the text of the bill [...]

By |June 20th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 6-20-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff

6-20-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff

  GottaLaff joins us every Tuesday to talk about the news of the week. Today, we spent a lot of time discussing the Republican health care repeal and replace bill that no one except the 10-13 Republican men who are working on it has seen. I shared Greg Sargent's Morning Plum Line blog today, which gives the latest... We already knew that Senate Republicans were going to try to ram through their health-care bill by resorting to a scandalously secretive, absurdly compressed process. But now we have the details: According to the Wall Street Journal, the text of the bill [...]

By |June 20th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 6-20-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff

One Year Later-Do You Know Where Your Health Care Is?

One year ago today, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (or as the Republicans call it "the Job-Killing Health Care Bill) into law.  Unfortunately, a year later, the most helpful aspects of the law have yet to take effect. In fact, it'll be another three years before the exchange - which would allow us all, regardless of pre-existing condition, to buy insurance - is up and running. This dubious anniversary comes as I'm still reeling from a tooth extraction and its costs, both physically and financially. As someone with a few of those pesky pre-existing conditions, I pay an [...]

Guests Galore!

What a difference a day makes! Although I'm not 100% yet, I am feeling much better today.  And it's a good thing, because it was a very busy show tonight... We started with comedian Jamie Kilstein who, along with Allison Kilkenny hosts Citizen Radio. Jamie has a new CD out, called Zombie Jesus... It had been a while since I last spoke with Congressman Dennis Kucinich. He joined me tonight to talk about the wars and what it'll take to end them, health care reform and why he voted the way he did, financial reform, and more... If you happen [...]

Health Care…It’s Law and It’s a Big Fucking Deal!

You've got to love Joe Biden. On the day that President Obama signs health care legislation, Joe Biden steals the headlines by proclaiming to the president, just barely off-mic, that "it's a big fucking deal." Talk about an understatement! It's far from perfect, but it's the first step in what will be an ongoing fight for the rest of our lives to make sure that affordable, quality health care is a basic human right in the USA. And those first baby steps are supposed to be celebrated! I was honored to start tonight's show with Congressman Alan Grayson, who injected [...]

By |March 23rd, 2010|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Health Care…It’s Law and It’s a Big Fucking Deal!

The Morning After Health Care Passed

The sweeping health care reform bill already passed by the Senate passed the House last night. Funny, though, I haven't noticed a slide into the Fascist-Socialist-Communist state the right has been warning us about. Tomorrow morning, President Obama will sign this bill into law, and then the Senate will (hopefully) quickly pass the fixes in the reconciliation bill. And then, with our urging, they'll get to work on making it better. (Public Option/Medicare for All, anyone?) On tonight's show, we talked about the bill that passed last night, and what it means to us in the immediate future, as well [...]

By |March 22nd, 2010|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Morning After Health Care Passed

Catching Up on a Saturday Morning

It was a stormy Friday here in South Florida yesterday. Thunderstorms and tornado warnings in March in Miami. Not your usual weather fare. But, no, this won't be a tirade on the fact that the right is still denying climate change.  We'll save that for another day. The podcast that shows up at the top of this post is Thursday's Radio or Not episode. I didn't post it immediately after the show as I usually do because I ran out the door to see Eric Clapton perform a stellar concert at the Bank Atlantic Center in Ft. Lauderdale! I arrived [...]

By |March 13th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Catching Up on a Saturday Morning

Florida, Florida, Florida!

For once, I didn't think "Flori-DUH". Today, I was actually proud of a couple of our elected officials. First, kudos to Senator Bill Nelson (something I never imagined I'd write on this blog!) for being the 41st Senator to state publicly that he'd back the public insurance option as part of a health care bill moved through reconciliation.  He told Huffington Post's Ryan Grim that today, and Ryan told us all about it on tonight's show! I also spoke with Ryan about the other member of Florida's Congressional delegation of whom I'm especially proud this evening, Alan Grayson, who today [...]

By |March 10th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Florida, Florida, Florida!

Tuesday Talking Healthcare!

I spent the morning following the tweets from protesters in DC who tried to place the extortionists masquerading as health insurers under citizens arrest, and an hour this afternoon (that I'll never get back) watching two clowns each trying to get something out of the other on Faux News.  I only hope that Eric Massa's VA healthcare has good mental health coverage, because he's having a massive meltdown. But the show started with a conversation with Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty law Center about their new report "Rage on the Right," issued last week, that that details an explosion [...]

By |March 9th, 2010|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Tuesday Talking Healthcare!

Monday, Massa and More…

What a difference a weekend makes. Last week we believed that Eric Massa was retiring because he had a recurrence of cancer. Today, he's either been smeared or shot himself in the foot, or a combination of both. Massa took to the radio yesterday, as he apparently does did every Sunday to speak with his constituents. This time, it was WTMI (Way too much information!).  If you have an extra 90 minutes or so, click here and listen to a politician unravel publicly.  Otherwise, listen to the podcast of today's show, as I shared some highlights and some of my [...]

By |March 8th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Monday, Massa and More…

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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