6-20-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Medicare for All with Wendell Potter

 Many Americans first met Wendell Potter in 2009 when he left the health insurance industry to become a whistleblower and told us the truth. He exposed the industry for the profit-grabbing thieves they are.  Today, Potter is president of The Business Initiative for Health Policy, an organization focused on enacting Medicare for All. He's also the founder of Tarbell.org, an nonprofit, independent, reader supported news site covering money in politics and policy.  And he's the author of a few books including Deadly Spin, which tells the story of his transition from insurance industry PR flak to whistleblower. It was [...]

By |June 20th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 6-20-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Medicare for All with Wendell Potter

2-9-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Social Security Works with Alex Lawson

  On today's show after an update on the day's news, I chatted with the Tarabuster host Tara Devlin from RTDdaily.com, and welcomed Alex Lawson of Social Security Works to the show. Alex Lawson will be in South Florida next week to participate in the Florida Health Care Summit - where I'll be next Friday and Saturday too. For tickets, click here.

By |February 9th, 2018|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 2-9-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Social Security Works with Alex Lawson

20160714 Nicole Sandler Show – Waiting

  I was going to be here yesterday. I really was. But the visit with the pulmonologist shook me out of my optimistic outlook and scared the shit out of me. The mass on my lung, unearthed by the x-ray of my heart on Thursday night is, according to the doctor, "large."  He said we need to find out what it it. No shit! The next step is a PET-CT scan. Now we wait for United Healthcare to approve it. And we wait. As of today, when David called the office, the government-sanctioned extortionists have all the information. We should [...]

1-22-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Government Sanctioned Extortion

Nicole Sandler almost didn't do a show today because of her four-hour long nightmare in dealing with her health insurance company yesterday. Today, she's on a rampage. David Swanson joins in, and Nicole opens the phones for listeners' stories too.

By |January 22nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-22-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Government Sanctioned Extortion

VIDEO: Bernie Sanders corrects the record on his Medicare for All plan

Yesterday I posted Bernie Sanders in his own words on health care. cc: Chelsea, a rebuttal to claims made by Ms. Clinton about Bernie Sanders' health care plan. I included two videos and some links. I don't usually jump in like this, nor do I like to exacerbate Dem vs Dem conflicts. However, I made an exception here because there are statements out there that are not accurate and need attention.Today, Senator Sanders was interviewed by MSNBC's Thomas Roberts about those very misrepresentations. Here is Sanders correcting the record in his own words:And via TPM:During an interview on CNN following the [...]

Bernie Sanders in his own words on health care. cc: Chelsea

Chelsea Clinton: Bernie will "dismantle Obamacare, dismantle the CHIP program, dismantle Medicare, and dismantle private insurance"— ryan cooper (@ryanlcooper) January 12, 2016Bernie Sanders has already debunked that, erm, misrepresentation by Chelsea Clinton, since none of those things would be necessary once we had his single-payer system in place. Chelsea made it sound as if these things would go away, not be covered. That's not accurate.But just to drive the point home, here are a couple of videos to clarify his positions.Here is Sanders on health care at the Brown & Black Democratic Presidential Forum, in his own words:  You can also go to my previous [...]

7-2-15 News Notes

TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. TRNS News Notes will be off tomorrow, Friday 3 July. We'll be back on Monday 6 July. Happy July the Fourth everyone!  A train carrying toxic chemicals has derailed near Maryville TN and caught fire. 5,000 residents are being evacuated. Developing (AFP) News Now US makes FIFA extradition request Escaped [...]

By |July 2nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-2-15 News Notes

Today on the Randi Rhodes Show

  Today, I once again have the honor of guest hosting the Randi Rhodes Show! Showtime is 3-6pm ET - and there are lots of ways to listen.  Of course, if you're lucky enough to have a local station that carries the show, there's always the over-the-air option!  If you have XM radio, just tune in to channel 168.  And you can always listen live at RandiRhodes.com. Today on the show, we'll continue our discussion of yesterday's historic Supreme Court ruling upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.   We'll have lots of time for calls at 866-87-RANDI (866-97-2634). [...]

By |June 29th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Today on the Randi Rhodes Show

On Health Care, Unjust Killing, and the President

This morning, we explored President Obama's address at an AP luncheon yesterday.  Honestly, I think it's one of the best he's given; I just wish he'd listen to what he says. If you missed it, see the whole thing here: Or just listen to today's show, as I played most of the highlights....  including his dire predictions of the end of Medicare should Paul Ryan's budget be adopted. I welcomed Wendell Potter back to the show this morning.  We became acquainted with Wendell a few years ago as he emerged from the darkness the is the for-profit health insurance industry [...]

By |April 4th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on On Health Care, Unjust Killing, and the President

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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