Torture and Lies

President Obama admitted the US tortured "some folks" following the 9-11 attacks. Obama has used the word "torture" before to describe the harsh interrogation tactics used at CIA-run secret prisons during the Bush administration. But his words at a White House news conference were notably more direct than previous statements. The comments reflect the line the president is preparing to walk as he gets ready for the release of a Senate committee report on the Bush-era rendition, detention and interrogation program. According to the president, torture is not OK - but lying about torture is acceptable, as long as you [...]

News, Views and Muse

I was a bit worried that there might not be enough news to talk about with Congress going on a 5 1/2 week recess but, then again, it's not like they do anything when they're in session. But the drama that unfolded yesterday as they all attempted to leave DC was the perfect snapshot to illustrate the comedy of errors that the 113th Congress is. Adding to the absurdity of it all was Boehner's contention that President Obama, against whom the Speaker is filing a lawsuit over his use of executive orders, should use his executive powers to do something [...]

Why Aren’t We Talking About Drones?

  That's one of the questions I asked Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin on the show this morning.  It was actually an inaccurate question, as she certainly is.  Her new book is called Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control and, as usual, she's on the road out and about protesting against all the things that are wrong with our nation... from unjust wars to environmental ruin and beyond. We talked about Medea's surprising but wonderful appearance protesting at Wayne LaPierre's sickening "press conference" after the Newtown massacre, President Obama's nominee for CIA director John Brennan and his complicity in torture and [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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