Happy Human Rights Day… or Not

Irony of ironies - As we're still digesting the sickening torture repeat released yesterday, today is Human Rights Day. Go figure. Nicole speaks with Crooks & Liars' Susie Madrak about it. The Nation's Chase Madar weighs in on international law, and on the domestic front, why it's virtually impossible to indict a cop.

By |December 10th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Happy Human Rights Day… or Not

The Whistleblowers’ Lament

What a difference a decade makes! Back in 2002, Time magazine named "The Whistleblowers" the Person(s) of the Year!  Today, the same publication - according to whistleblower Jesselyn Radack writing at Daily Kos   joins the Obama administration in equating whistleblowers with spies, a characterization aimed at silencing other potential whistleblowers. As I wrote yesterday, the magazine's cover story is a complete disaster. It pictures hacktivist Aaron Swartz, National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden & WikiLeaks defendant Bradley Manning under the screaming words, "THE INFORMERS." Worse, it ignores key facts, the law, and the magazine's prior recognition of whistleblowers when it named "The [...]

San Jose Bound

The annual gathering of the online pinko/commie community is just about upon us - and I need it now more than ever.  Yes, I'm one disillusioned liberal.  Perhaps a few days of socializing and socialism is just what the Obamacare doctor ordered. This morning, just to get pumped up for the conference, I spoke with Netroots Nation Director of Communications and Media, Mary Rickles.  If you're following along from at home, you can check out this guide to the live streaming...  (or just come back, as I'll have the live streams embedded here too). In the second hour, I spoke [...]

Who Needs Detention when We’ve Got Jails?

That seems to be the attitude these days -- especially in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings.  Forget protecting these innocent little lives; arrest them and insure that they grow up to be troubled teens and adults.  Quite the vicious circle. I first learned of this new trend three weeks ago, when I read "Students Arrested for Throwing Spitballs", Lollipops" in my local newspaper! The story was as bad as the headline made it sound.  Offenses that used to result in a trip to the principal's office and detention or suspension are now prompting police visits and, often, handcuffs. [...]

Mitt, Manning & Matthews

Listen to this episode: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120716_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_Mitt_Manning__Matthews_in_the_Wayback_Machine.mp3 {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   I'm a little under the weather (and Nicole Belle had to take a week off from our regular Monday morning Fools on the Hill segment), so we finished today's show with a trip in the Wayback Machine to November 9, 2007.  It was a year away from the 2008 election.  I was hosting the morning show at then-progressive talk 940 WINZ in Miami and, that morning, hosted my first and only interview with Chris Matthews.  He was having so much fun that he stayed on for an extra [...]

By |July 16th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Mitt, Manning & Matthews

I Take a Day Off, and All Hell Breaks Loose!

I take one morning off and everything goes insane!  Seriously, as I watched a parade of ridiculous events transpire Tuesday afternoon and evening, all I could think was that it figures, I'd be off the air the following day. So, today's show began with a recap of the madness... First, Rick "Frothy" Santorum pulls out - of the presidential race, that is.  Aww shucks, sorry to see his campaign come to an end (or not). Then, George W. Bush emerged from the shadows to remind us of his lack of brains.  One direct quote: "If you raise taxes [...]

By |April 12th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on I Take a Day Off, and All Hell Breaks Loose!

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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