5-15-20 Nicole Sandler Show – A Former Trump Employee Speaks Out

Download here or click below to play It's the end of yet another week in lockdown-- (week 8 or is it 9?), and the absurdity of Donald Trump as president is manifesting itself with the highest infection rates and the highest death toll from COVID-19 in the world! One man has tried to warn us about Trump's behavior he observed while working for years on Celebrity Apprentice. Today, Noel Casler shares some of his first-hand knowledge with us. As usual, we begin with something funny and the latest news... Today's funny was the video of Noel Casler doing a standup [...]

By |May 15th, 2020|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 5-15-20 Nicole Sandler Show – A Former Trump Employee Speaks Out

ND oil boom by-product: Meth, heroin, guns, addicted babies at Indian reservation

Rachel Maddow did her usual thorough job of explaining how North Dakota's oil boom has affected the environment. And by affected I mean utterly destroyed. And by environment I mean wildlife, rivers, water supplies, homes, and human lives: "It was carrying Bakken crude oil..." Bakken oil has had another devastating effect on North Dakota that nobody else is talking about. Please read the entire article, but to give you a taste (and a major headache), here are a few excerpts from the Los Angeles Times explaining how a "once-isolated" Indian reservation is now dealing with a whole lot more than [...]

By |February 22nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on ND oil boom by-product: Meth, heroin, guns, addicted babies at Indian reservation

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