ND oil boom by-product: Meth, heroin, guns, addicted babies at Indian reservation

Rachel Maddow did her usual thorough job of explaining how North Dakota's oil boom has affected the environment. And by affected I mean utterly destroyed. And by environment I mean wildlife, rivers, water supplies, homes, and human lives: "It was carrying Bakken crude oil..." Bakken oil has had another devastating effect on North Dakota that nobody else is talking about. Please read the entire article, but to give you a taste (and a major headache), here are a few excerpts from the Los Angeles Times explaining how a "once-isolated" Indian reservation is now dealing with a whole lot more than [...]

By |February 22nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on ND oil boom by-product: Meth, heroin, guns, addicted babies at Indian reservation

When Is Enough Finally Enough? (04/24/2014)

I honestly don't know what it's going to take to get people mobilized to fight back against the madness. Let's just look at some of the events from just this month, shall we? April began with the Supreme Court doubling down on it's heinous Citizens United decision by ruling in favor of  McCutcheon in doing away with individual caps on contributions in any election cycle, giving us the ridiculous "money equals speech" paradigm. Unfortunately, the simple "If A=B, then B=A equation is proven false, as the IRS won't allow me to use speech to pay the $5750 penalty they're charging me [...]

By |April 24th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on When Is Enough Finally Enough? (04/24/2014)

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