4-30-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Progressive Professor Rates Potus Performance with Harvey J Kaye

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)     I guess I'm grading on a curve after the former guy. Can you really blame me? Today, I'm joined by Harvey J. Kaye, professor emeritus of Democracy and Justice Studies at UW Green Bay. Perhaps I've been giving Biden some extra benefit of the doubt after the traumatic four years we barely survived, but I am a bit distressed that so many of my progressive pals are using the progressive purity test to measure how he's doing. Anyway, Harvey J. Kaye [...]

By |April 30th, 2021|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 4-30-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Progressive Professor Rates Potus Performance with Harvey J Kaye

3-1-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Good News and About That Speech with Joel Silberman

We'll get to the speech in a moment. But first, good news! Seriously. With the news dominated by a sociopathic, narcissistic megalomaniac, we need something to counter the insanity. So I'd like to start each show with some good news. I'll need your help in coming up with five good news stories to share each day, so please email me your good news stories.. Buoyed by Anti-Trump Activism, Democrat Wins Delaware Special ElectionMIDDLETOWN, Del. ― On Saturday, in a state Senate district in Delaware that stretches from Middletown to Newark, the voices in the streets turned into votes in the [...]

By |March 1st, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-1-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Good News and About That Speech with Joel Silberman

2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

On August 9, 1974 I was on a Teen Tour. At 14 years old, I wasn't engaged in politics. But I still remember the moment our counselor got up in the front of our bus and got on the PA to announce that Richard Nixon had resigned as president, and all of us cheered. It's probably my first political memory and I thought we'd never have a president as corrupt and evil as Nixon again. Now, 43 years later, I know how naive I was at 14. Today, I had the honor of speaking with John Dean, White House counsel [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

On August 9, 1974 I was on a Teen Tour. At 14 years old, I wasn't engaged in politics. But I still remember the moment our counselor got up in the front of our bus and got on the PA to announce that Richard Nixon had resigned as president, and all of us cheered. It's probably my first political memory and I thought we'd never have a president as corrupt and evil as Nixon again. Now, 43 years later, I know how naive I was at 14. Today, I had the honor of speaking with John Dean, White House counsel [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

7-19-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Plagiarist, War Mongers & Racists

  The first night of the 2016 RNC featured war mongers (Rudy Guiliani, a congressman and the guy who spoke before Joni Ernst), racists (Sheriff David Clark, Guiliani again, and others) and a plagiarist, Melania Trump. Mrs. Trump's speech featured full passages that were lifted directly from Michelle Obama's speech at the 2008 Democratic convention when her husband was the nominee. I don't think Mrs. Trump lifted the lines herself. But I wonder why the media is treating her with kid gloves after she told Matt Lauer that she wrote the speech "myself, with as little help as possible." But [...]

By |July 19th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-19-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Plagiarist, War Mongers & Racists

1-6-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Stop the Gun Madness Already!

It's a busy Wednesday show, as Nicole attempts to recap the president's executive action on guns as he announced yesterday, and Bernie Sanders great speech on Wall Street and financial reform. Today's guests are Deborah Newell Tornello with our first dip into the Oy FloriDUH files for 2016. Igor Volsky of Think Progress joins in to talk guns and hypocrite Congressmen; and Billy Joe Bill, one of the attorneys for Tamir Rice's mother joins in too.

By |January 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-6-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Stop the Gun Madness Already!

3-4-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Two Steps Back

There's no shortage of news for Nicole Sandler to discuss today, from Netanyahu's speech yesterday, Democrats save the day by voting to fund DHS, Petraeus really did betray us, Hillary emails, Ferguson racism, SCOTUS hears a big challenge to the ACA, and it's been 50 years since Bloody Sunday. Susie Madrak and Ari Berman guest

3-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Wake Up!

Today, the Florida legislative session convenes, and Awake the State rallies are planned in every county to get people involved. Nicole Sandler attempts to awaken progressives around the country with her daily program, today talking with Huffington Post's Ryan Grim about the effect of the Citizens United SCOTUS decision on politics five years later. Plus media strategist & trainer Joel Silberman on the Hillary Clinton email problem, Netanyahu's speech, and more.

By |March 3rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Wake Up!

“It’s starting to look like an Iraq War.” Where’s Congress?

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Watch and listen carefully. Rachel Maddow lays out exactly what we're up against in this "fight against ISIS" that, per new polls, Americans have started to support. But ISIS has anti-aircraft artillery. The group upon which we're dropping bombs inside Iraq? They have anti-aircraft weapons. That means pilots and crews who are dropping bombs are at risk. P.S. and by the way, this is not being called "combat," yet pilots and crews fighting ISIS can be shot down. Rachel: So politically, it may be very convenient to say [...]

Up Oil’s Creek Without a Paddle

I generally write this blog after my show, and use it to reiterate a few points and give the info on the content and guests.  I'll do all of that... But immediately after the show ended, it was time to tune in to President Obama's speech from the Oval Office regarding the biggest man-made environmental disaster in history. Today, government panel of scientists set up to examine the flow from BP's blown out well said that between 1.47 million and 2.52 million gallons of oil is still gushing from the underwater geyser in the Gulf of Mexico every [...]

By |June 15th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Up Oil’s Creek Without a Paddle

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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