11-14-18 Nicole Sandler Show –The Case for Impeaching Trump with Elizabeth Holtzman

Elizabeth Holtzman is a former four-term Democratic Congresswoman from NY, who served on the Judiciary Committee that investigated Nixon and Watergate, and voted to impeach him. Her new book, The Case for Impeaching Trump does what the title implies, it lays out the case for the impeachment of Donald Trump. She's Nicole Sandler's guest today.

By |November 14th, 2018|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 11-14-18 Nicole Sandler Show –The Case for Impeaching Trump with Elizabeth Holtzman

2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

On August 9, 1974 I was on a Teen Tour. At 14 years old, I wasn't engaged in politics. But I still remember the moment our counselor got up in the front of our bus and got on the PA to announce that Richard Nixon had resigned as president, and all of us cheered. It's probably my first political memory and I thought we'd never have a president as corrupt and evil as Nixon again. Now, 43 years later, I know how naive I was at 14. Today, I had the honor of speaking with John Dean, White House counsel [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

On August 9, 1974 I was on a Teen Tour. At 14 years old, I wasn't engaged in politics. But I still remember the moment our counselor got up in the front of our bus and got on the PA to announce that Richard Nixon had resigned as president, and all of us cheered. It's probably my first political memory and I thought we'd never have a president as corrupt and evil as Nixon again. Now, 43 years later, I know how naive I was at 14. Today, I had the honor of speaking with John Dean, White House counsel [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

Race and Gender, Meet Modern Guns, Gays and Bibles #OurRevolution

  Guns, Bibles and gays. For those of us who can remember the Johnson-Nixonian era of racial ignorance and nativist pearl clutching (make that pearl-handled derringer clutching for the helpless dames), this decade is ringing in far too many memories of a deliberately divided and globally embarrassing nation at war with itself and it's own liberty. There is some serious work to be done in some 48 days. The update of the Guns, Bibles and gays triangulation is potentially lethal, people. We believed that was as self-sickened a culture as we could imagine, following on the tarred heels of Jim Crow, [...]

The More Things Change…

...the more they stay the same. The photographer who shot that iconic photo at the top of the page was arrested last night in Ferguson, MO. Scott Olsen, a photojournalist for Getty Images, has brought the reality of what's happening in Ferguson to the rest of the world via his amazing photos, many of which can be seen here.  Apparently, the police didn't want Olsen doing his job where he was standing- as if they wanted him to do his job at all.. Scott Olsen wasn't the only member of the media arrested last night. We know of at least [...]

Ferguson or Fallujah?

                                            Two images are shown above. One is courtesy of  Cpl Mike Escobar, taken in Fallujah, Iraq in 2005.  The other taken by reporter/photographer Danny Wicentowski of St. Louis' Riverfront Times two days ago in Ferguson, MO. Can you tell which is which? It's getting increasingly more difficult by the day to tell the difference. Americans' civil rights have eroded to the point where we have to question whether the First Amendment exists as anything more than a historical reference any longer. [...]

The Real Scandal

Last night at my daughter's softball game, I was chatting with one of the other moms about our daughters entering high school in the fall.  The other mom told me that her daughter was joining ROTC because she's always wanted to go into the military.  I smiled gently and just said "I hope that we're not fighting any wars by the time she graduates."  But hidden behind my tentative smile was the sadness in knowing that if this young woman does join the military, she has a greater than 1 in 4 chance of being raped while serving her country. [...]

By |May 15th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Real Scandal

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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