2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

On August 9, 1974 I was on a Teen Tour. At 14 years old, I wasn't engaged in politics. But I still remember the moment our counselor got up in the front of our bus and got on the PA to announce that Richard Nixon had resigned as president, and all of us cheered. It's probably my first political memory and I thought we'd never have a president as corrupt and evil as Nixon again. Now, 43 years later, I know how naive I was at 14. Today, I had the honor of speaking with John Dean, White House counsel [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

On August 9, 1974 I was on a Teen Tour. At 14 years old, I wasn't engaged in politics. But I still remember the moment our counselor got up in the front of our bus and got on the PA to announce that Richard Nixon had resigned as president, and all of us cheered. It's probably my first political memory and I thought we'd never have a president as corrupt and evil as Nixon again. Now, 43 years later, I know how naive I was at 14. Today, I had the honor of speaking with John Dean, White House counsel [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-28-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Trump v Nixon — John Dean Weighs In

It’s Getting Ugly Out There

As I was preparing for the show this morning, reports started crossing my twitter stream of violent police action against the protesters at Occupy Oakland.   The picture above was taken by someone on the scene... Hundreds of cops in riot gear, including officers from surrounding municipalities as backup... against peaceful protesters. This video was shot by someone there and posted on the ustream account of punkboyinsf.  At around 16:00 in, you see a citizen journalist thrown to the ground by police;  at around 17:00, tear gas is used; He was livestreaming via his cellphone (something I'll have [...]

By |October 25th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Getting Ugly Out There

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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