5-20-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Get Your Religion Out Of My Government

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   Today's Republican Party is many things that would take me too long to list and raise my blood pressure too much. But one word that comes to mind every time I cover a story about their latest insanity is hypocrisy. They scream about the original intent of the framers of the Constitution, yet they insist on following those directives only when it correlates with their perverted sense of morality. Again, the biggie here has to do with church and state and the [...]

By |May 21st, 2022|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 5-20-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Get Your Religion Out Of My Government

5-4-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Don’t Let Us Get Sick with Howie Klein & Barry Lynn

The Republican-led House of Representatives did it... they passed the truly despicable American Health Care Act (AHCA) by a razor-thin margin of 217-215. The bill now heads to the senate where it should die an ugly death.  This is where our activism comes in. We need to start calling our senators NOW... Howie Klein returned to the program today, and was as disgusted by this outcome as we were.  He did share some good news - it looks like he found a good candidate to run against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin, despite the fact that Nancy Pelosi and the Dems [...]

By |May 4th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-4-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Don’t Let Us Get Sick with Howie Klein & Barry Lynn

7-19-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Plagiarist, War Mongers & Racists

  The first night of the 2016 RNC featured war mongers (Rudy Guiliani, a congressman and the guy who spoke before Joni Ernst), racists (Sheriff David Clark, Guiliani again, and others) and a plagiarist, Melania Trump. Mrs. Trump's speech featured full passages that were lifted directly from Michelle Obama's speech at the 2008 Democratic convention when her husband was the nominee. I don't think Mrs. Trump lifted the lines herself. But I wonder why the media is treating her with kid gloves after she told Matt Lauer that she wrote the speech "myself, with as little help as possible." But [...]

By |July 19th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-19-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Plagiarist, War Mongers & Racists

4-15-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Taxes, Religion & the TPP

On Tax Day, Nicole Sandler speaks with Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church & State about RFRA laws and religious tax evasion. Dave Johnson joins in from OurFuture.org with the latest on the TPP and Fast Track Authority.

When We Don’t Learn From Our Mistakes…

... we tend to repeat them. Last night, President Obama told the American people that we learned nothing from the Cheney-Bush-Rumsfeld-Rice-Powell debacle that was our last invasion of Iraq. Somehow, this administration learned nothing from its predecessors. One lesson they should have learned is that you can't bomb your way to peace. It's just plain impossible. So what should we be doing about the legitimate horror that is ISIS (or ISIL or the Islamic State)? Stephen Miles, Advocacy Director at Win Without War joined me on the show this morning with response to last night's address. Before the speech began, [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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