Tweets I’m sick of reposting, now all in one place: Right here.

I don't write blog posts very often any more, not since my former co-editor/publisher of The Political Carnival, Paddy Kraska, passed away a couple of years ago. Her death took so much out of me, and my motivation to write long form nearly vanished. Just before she died, we had planned to change the format of our site to one of tweet-like quips and links. Tweeting has been my outlet of choice for awhile now, but with all the fun, quick conversations it offers come frustrations. One of those frustrations is knowing that followers on Twitter don't always see my tweets, just as [...]

Using pro-forced birther “logic,” we’re all corpses

In the Sunday edition of the Los Angeles Times, a letter to the editor about the right to choose nailed it, as did Lizz Winstead's tweets. They both address a popular, but faulty, talking point, one with which I get bombarded every time I post anything on abortion rights, specifically that a fetus is not a child. The typical reaction from pro-forced birthers is something like, "Oh, so you support killing a child! Murderer!" Well, no. See, a blastocyst is not a person, feti are not children, and embryos don't vote... yet. However, I'm sure the GOP House majority will continue [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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