10-26-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Sex, Lies, Videotape, God and the Falwells

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   We'll take a hiatus from the election stuff today (and after watching two of the three debates last night, I need a break from that crap), we'll somehow go even lower today. We all remember when the story broke, two years ago, about the Fountainbleu Hotel Pool Boy turned sex partner of Becki Falwell, who liked to perform with her new, young partners while her husband, Jerry Falwell Jr, watched and recorded it on video. (Pause for the collective eeeew) Well, two [...]

By |October 26th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 10-26-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Sex, Lies, Videotape, God and the Falwells

“I’ll simply start a new religion against discrimination in order to get an exemption.”

Why in the world should bigots have any legal right to discriminate against anyone based on their religious beliefs? These are beliefs, nothing more. Feel free to believe anything you want-- in private-- but nobody should be able to justify bigotry in the name of religion. What kind of god do these people believe in that allows them to enforce their holier-than-thou brand of injustice on their fellow human beings? Whatever happened to "do unto others"? Whatever happened to civil rights and equality? Oh yeah, this is America. What am I thinking? The letters below nail it. The second one makes me want [...]

Protect Your Radio

Just shy of a week after Randi Rhodes said goodbye to her radio show, Ed Schultz announced he's ending his radio program too. I have no idea what the circumstances are surrounding this decision, but I am disappointed that he gave no notice, leaving stations to scramble, and that he didn't do this before Randi left the air, as there's the possibility, with time opening up on some stations, that her should could have survived. Either way, that's water under the bridge now...  I understand that Thom Hartmann will now move his show back to the noon-3pm ET time slot, [...]

Religion and Politics

The graphic above says it all... Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And PLEASE don't try to shove it down my children's throats. It seems that the people who don't follow that golden rule are also the ones who have absolutely no understanding of what Jesus (who they claim to follow) actually taught. Today, we talked about religious hypocrisy with comedian John Fugelsang, who agreed with me that people like Pat Robertson, Bryan Fischer, Ralph Reed [...]

Hate In the Name of God

It's become something of a theme this week...  but it's unavoidable these days.  Let's just consider a few of the day's big stories, shall we? Rafael Cruz (Ted's father), a "Pastor" in the Purifying Fire Ministries of Carrollton, Texas, though I can't find any information about that particular "church" online), has some some truly hateful things including this, this and this. Here's his latest, proclaiming atheism leads to child molestation and perversity: Then there's word salad Sarah, the former half-term governor of Alaska, who is worried that the Pope is too liberal. And Pat Robertson, a man who claims to have [...]

By |November 13th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Hate In the Name of God

ENDA the Hypocrisy, please

Today the Senate will pass the Employment Non Discrimination Act.  It's about time that people can no longer be fired because of their sexuality or sexual identity. The forces fighting to keep workplace discrimination legal seem to be doing so in the name of "religious liberty" - and even more damning is that the religion they're "protecting" is Christianity. Whoa! Does anyone else see the massive disconnect and overwhelming hypocrisy here? As a person of Jewish heritage who long ago used logic to rid herself of any organized religious beliefs, I do believe in the "golden rule".  I'll admit I'm [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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