Using pro-forced birther “logic,” we’re all corpses

In the Sunday edition of the Los Angeles Times, a letter to the editor about the right to choose nailed it, as did Lizz Winstead's tweets. They both address a popular, but faulty, talking point, one with which I get bombarded every time I post anything on abortion rights, specifically that a fetus is not a child. The typical reaction from pro-forced birthers is something like, "Oh, so you support killing a child! Murderer!" Well, no. See, a blastocyst is not a person, feti are not children, and embryos don't vote... yet. However, I'm sure the GOP House majority will continue [...]

New Investigation: Widespread Use of Bogus Science in Reproductive Health Policy

Here's a press release that I got in an email from my pal at RH Reality Check. Bolding is mine: New Investigation Finds Widespread Use of Bogus Science in Reproductive Health Policy (Washington, DC) A new investigation by RH Reality Check (RHRC) details the widespread use of discredited research and distorted data in the promotion of an anti-choice policy agenda. The investigation, titled “False Witnesses,” closely examines public records and published work of several groups and individuals, revealing that many of their scientific and medical claims have been publicly discredited – yet they continue to receive taxpayer dollars from state [...]

Supreme Bullshit!

The Roberts Court will likely go down in history as one of, if not the worst Supreme Court in our relatively short history. Today, we were anticipating the final four decisions for this session. But this ego-maniacal set of justices are prolonging our misery for one more weekend. Today, they gave us two unanimous decisions that make any reasonable person ask what these idiots are smoking! The first decision offered today was written by one of the "liberal" justices, Stephen Breyer. In NLRB v. Noel Canning,   SCOTUS decided the fate of "recess appointments." At issue: (1) Whether the President’s recess-appointment power may [...]

Religion and Politics

The graphic above says it all... Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And PLEASE don't try to shove it down my children's throats. It seems that the people who don't follow that golden rule are also the ones who have absolutely no understanding of what Jesus (who they claim to follow) actually taught. Today, we talked about religious hypocrisy with comedian John Fugelsang, who agreed with me that people like Pat Robertson, Bryan Fischer, Ralph Reed [...]

GOP’s Zombie War on Women or Love the Fetus, Hate the Child

March 18, 2013 was less than four months ago. That was the day that RNC chair, (the unfortunately named) Reince Priebus made public the GOP Autopsy  (his name for it, not ours). The 100-page report opined, on the subject of women, ... it is important to note that 40 percent of female voters are single and that Obama won single women by a whopping 36 percent.The RNC must improve its efforts to include female voters and promote women to leadership ranks within the committee. Additionally, when developing our Party’s message, women need to be part of this process to represent some of the unique concerns that female voters may [...]

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