“I’ll simply start a new religion against discrimination in order to get an exemption.”

Why in the world should bigots have any legal right to discriminate against anyone based on their religious beliefs? These are beliefs, nothing more. Feel free to believe anything you want-- in private-- but nobody should be able to justify bigotry in the name of religion. What kind of god do these people believe in that allows them to enforce their holier-than-thou brand of injustice on their fellow human beings? Whatever happened to "do unto others"? Whatever happened to civil rights and equality? Oh yeah, this is America. What am I thinking? The letters below nail it. The second one makes me want [...]

The Florida Gays Are Getting Married!

Marriage Equality comes to Florida today, and Nicole speaks with someone tying the knot - Equality Florida's deputy director Stratton Pollitzer. @GottaLaff makes her 2015 debut to talk with Nicole about the rest of the news

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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