Bogus GOP graph vs “Americans Who Know How to Make a #PlannedParenthood Graph”

My dear friend and Political Carnival co-editor, Paddy Kraska, passed away nearly two years ago (!), and I still grieve for her. I still miss her every single day. She was a fighter who inspired me to be one, too.Well, today her brother sent me a gift: A graph that he put together, one that debunks the bogus abortion graph the way Cecile Richards did at that sham disguised as a Planned Parenthood hearing. As Paddy would have said, "Bite me, 'Americans United for Life.'" Here's his version from, as he put it, "Americans Who Know How to Make a Graph."And just for good measure, [...]

Using pro-forced birther “logic,” we’re all corpses

In the Sunday edition of the Los Angeles Times, a letter to the editor about the right to choose nailed it, as did Lizz Winstead's tweets. They both address a popular, but faulty, talking point, one with which I get bombarded every time I post anything on abortion rights, specifically that a fetus is not a child. The typical reaction from pro-forced birthers is something like, "Oh, so you support killing a child! Murderer!" Well, no. See, a blastocyst is not a person, feti are not children, and embryos don't vote... yet. However, I'm sure the GOP House majority will continue [...]

Years of Living Misogynistically

misogyny Syllabification: mi·sog·y·ny Pronunciation: /məˈsäjənē NOUN Dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women:she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny Welcome to 2014 - the year Misogyny went mainstream. Yesterday, the highest court in the land codified women's place as second class citizens into law with its misdirected and horribly wrong decision in the Hobby Lobby case. But the five Christian men on the court took it even a further step by saying that corporations religious rights trump the rights of said corporations' actual living, breathing female employees'! And this isn't the first time the Roberts-Alito-Scalia-Thomas-Kennedy court has ruled [...]

Fighting Back with Funny!

Yesterday, I wrote about the GOP's "rebranding" effort following their "autopsy" in the wake of the 2012 elections.  Let it be known that they're doing the exact opposite of everything recommended in that report. Just today, in his Plum Line blog at the Washington Post, Greg Sargent marveled at the backwards nature of today's Republican Party in "GOP opposition to gay workplace equality will do wonders for that 'makeover'" -  a piece about the fact that ENDA (The Employment Non-Discrimination Act) today passed out of the Senate Health and Education Committee with votes from three Republicans (Kirk, Murkowski and Hatch), [...]

By |July 10th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Fighting Back with Funny!

GOP’s Zombie War on Women or Love the Fetus, Hate the Child

March 18, 2013 was less than four months ago. That was the day that RNC chair, (the unfortunately named) Reince Priebus made public the GOP Autopsy  (his name for it, not ours). The 100-page report opined, on the subject of women, ... it is important to note that 40 percent of female voters are single and that Obama won single women by a whopping 36 percent.The RNC must improve its efforts to include female voters and promote women to leadership ranks within the committee. Additionally, when developing our Party’s message, women need to be part of this process to represent some of the unique concerns that female voters may [...]

By |July 9th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on GOP’s Zombie War on Women or Love the Fetus, Hate the Child

Yes, We’re Live Today!

  The end of the year is approaching.  It's that dead week between Christmas and New Years that's usually dead time in the media.  All of the "progressive talk" shows are playing repeats, except for the Randi Rhodes Show which has me!  So, be sure to tune in from 3-6 ET this afternoon as we continue our look back at 2012, today hitting on the War on Women.  She's History's Amy Simon will join in with some highlights. We're also on top of whatever news is being made.  Right now, President Obama and the Senate is returning to DC to [...]

By |December 27th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Yes, We’re Live Today!

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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