Broken News

With one week till election day 2014, Nicole Sandler takes a look at what's at stake. Sadly, the prospect of reasonable gun laws in the first national election following the Newtown massacre and just days after yet another school shooting are virtually absent from the nation's ballots, as The Nation's George Zornick tells us. Plus, a nuclear accident in Illinois that the mainstream corporate media is silent about!

Bullets and Burgers… and Brains Blown to Bits

  And after you witness an instructor get his brains blown out by a 9-year old shooting an Uzi sub machine gun, you can eat a giant, juicy burger. Mmmmm. This is what we've apparently come to. Welcome to America.  The website for Bullets & Burgers was down this morning. I expected either to see an apology and notice that children would no longer be able to shoot these lethal weapons - or a memorial to the now-dead instructor, Charles Vacca. Sadly, the website is now back up - with pictures of all the weapons that you can go there to [...]

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Lighting the Fuse

I'd always nod along when Randi Rhodes would say that it's not if it'll happen, but when. And I, like she, always wondered what the catalyst will be that finally lights the fuse. Back in 2010, the spark that begat the Arab Spring was one of those proverbial straws breaking the camel's back--  a Tunisian fruit vendor set himself on fire to protest his government's treatment of himself and his fellow citizens along with its brazen corruption. Before dawn on Friday, Dec. 17, as [Mohammed] Bouazizi pulled his cart along the narrow, rutted stone road toward the market, two police officers blocked his path and [...]

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