Justice or Injustice with Lisa Graves – Nicole Sandler Show 2-20-24

     I had hoped that the Supreme Court would have handed down its decision on Trump's move to appeal the DC Circuit court's ruling that he has some made-up 'absolute immunity' from virtually any crime because he once occupied the Oval Office, but no such luck. Perhaps tomorrow when at least one decision from the Extreme Justices is expected. Regardless, Lisa Graves returns to the show today in her capacity as a private citizen who happens to have impeccable legal bona fides (just check out her bio at truenorthresearch.org). I'll get her thoughts on when, and how the [...]

By |February 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Justice or Injustice with Lisa Graves – Nicole Sandler Show 2-20-24

2-23-17 Nicole Sandler Show – CMD Rules, CPAC Drools

There's madness in the air as the 2017 CPAC gets underway, so I figured it was time for a bit of levity. So I pulled clips of some of the best political comedians for use in today's show and What's News? episode. Plus, Lisa Graves, Executive Director of the Center for Media & Democracy tells us about the great work they're doing to counter the Trump brigade.

By |February 23rd, 2017|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 2-23-17 Nicole Sandler Show – CMD Rules, CPAC Drools

Hump Day Quickie: Brit Wit John Oliver

I’m obsessed with the highly hilarious John Oliver and here’s why … he’s smart funny. Doesn’t kneel often do the broad and low-low-low comic postures that come so alarmingly easily to Donald Dicque Trump. He’s just one wit-tay dude. We’ll take 30 minutes of Oliver and no no no ego-driven Morning Schmoe and Meeka, please, sir. Oliver captures ‘umorous electricity in a bottle, utilizing the rare Monty Python level ability to find your true gut and crack it completely up. For days. Then drew you back again and again for that reliable guffaw — the kind that’s a compulsory share. [...]

4-6-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Dick Pix Monday!

Today, Nicole talks Dick Pics with Emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler, thanks to John Oliver and his epic interview with John Oliver, talking NSA, domestic spying & the Patriot Act! Plus strategist and consultant Joel Silberman tells us about spending last week in Chicago working on the Chuy Garcia campaign for Mayor! And more news, info and snark...

2-5-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Good News Thursday

Nicole Sandler reports on good news for a change! FreePress.net's Tim Karr joins in to talk about the about face on Net Neutrality. And the Gliberal Goddesses (Nicole, GottaLaff, Amy Simon) gather to talk about the media, Brian Williams' war stories, and lots more

Peace & Palast

What a difference a day makes! The protests last night in Ferguson, MO were of a much different tone - because the police that were present actually joined with the people of the community, marching with them, listening to them. In the photo above, the uniformed man marching next to a woman carrying a sign is Captain Ron Johnson, the head of the Missouri State Troopers, now charged with heading up the law enforcement effort in Ferguson. The day began with more of what the people were asking for: the name of the officer who shot Michael Brown: Darren Wilson. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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