9-22-23 Nicole’s Moving Shows #5 – MAPS & Psychedelic and Alanis Morissette

  View on Zencastr At this time in 1995, an artist named Alanis Morissette was climbing the charts. Her album Jagged Little Pill would hit #1 just a couple of weeks later. I was an early cheerleader for the album and because of that, as her mega star was rising quickly, she came into the radio station I was working at at the time for an interview with me. That was 28 years ago! My how time flies… But we’ll begin today with an interview with an official from MAPS from 2010 about psychedelics to treat mental health issues. You [...]

By |September 22nd, 2023|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 9-22-23 Nicole’s Moving Shows #5 – MAPS & Psychedelic and Alanis Morissette

8-7-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Surviving Trump

View on Zencastr I know I don't need to tell the regular listeners of this program, but Donald Trump is bad for our national mental health. First, there are the lies and the gaslighting! The gaslighting is the worst, as it's meant to make the people being gaslit think they're the crazy ones. It doesn't even matter that we know the truth... the fact that there are millions of Americans who support Trump - after everything we know about who he is and what he's done- is enough to send someone otherwise sane into a tailspin. Today, after hearing [...]

By |August 7th, 2023|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 8-7-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Surviving Trump

“Kids are the only people in the world you’re ‘allowed’ to hit.” (VIDEO) #ViolenceIsViolence

Please watch this entire video. It's less than a minute long: I had some very disturbing conversations on Twitter yesterday. Not only were they disturbing, but mind-boggling. I was floored that I had to provide the following information to so many people: Merriam-Webster: Definition of SPANK : to strike especially on the buttocks with the open hand Merriam-Webster: Definition of STRIKE  :to hit (someone or something) in a forceful way Spanking = hitting in a forceful way. Hitting = violence. Clear? Unless, of course, you don't consider striking or hitting to be violent. But, oops, physical force is part of the very definition of [...]

By |September 16th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Kids are the only people in the world you’re ‘allowed’ to hit.” (VIDEO) #ViolenceIsViolence

You Came, So I Built It!

I said that if enough listeners wanted it, I'd expand the show and do a live program on Fridays. You asked, so here we are. The Friday program will be a little different... we'll look back at the week that was, open the phones for anything you want to talk about, and end the week with a gem from my music radio archives. My morning today began with my usual routine, reading my emails. I came upon an essay sent to me by a friend who wrote it and posted it on his personal blog. It was so moving and [...]

Stranger than Fiction

From the Truth is Stranger than Fiction files this morning: McDonald’s advises its low-wage workers to try “breaking food into pieces” to feel full, and urges them to “pack your bags” for vacation, “chew away cares” with gum, “keep the faith” by going to church, and “sing away stress.”  And, oh yeah, return some of those Christmas gifts to get the cash! In response to criticism over Walmart employees holding a food drive for fellow Walmart employees, the company is pushing back.  And it's Ashton Kutcher to the rescue! A freshman teaparty congressman from Florida, Trey Radel, was busted buying [...]

By |November 20th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Stranger than Fiction

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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