To those considering sitting out the November elections…

The Los Angeles Times letter to the editor below illustrates the stark differences between Democrats and Republicans. My frustration, anxiety, and concern have grown recently as the number of polls showing the chances of a GOP Senate takeover have increased. If Dems and Independents don't get their asses to the polls, those predictions will become a reality. And that reality will spawn more realities, scary ones, that will make the mess this country is in now look like paradise. So before deciding to sit out the elections in November, please think again: Like what happened to abortion clinics in Texas? Then don't vote. [...]

Fever, FOIA and Flashback Friday

Nicole Sandler has the latest on the Ebola scare and the rest of the day's news. Vice News' Jason Leopold tells us about his latest trip to Guantanamo Bay. And we rock into the weekend on Flashback Friday with Nicole's 1999 interview with The Jayhawks and Old 97's.

Insanity Repeating

Ted Cruz won the straw poll at the Value Voters Summit again this year. Yes, the man who said this, among other equally idiotic things, is apparently the best they've got.. But even scarier is the fact that this woman could have been one heartbeat from the presidency! And that's not all of the fun we could poke at this collective of idiocy, but it's all my heart can handle right now. For more gibbering madness, just check out the Values Voters Summit video collection over at Right Wing Watch. It's Monday, so Howie Klein joined me in the first [...]

It’s Done, Now Let’s Make It Better!

I know the big fucking deal signing happened on Tuesday, but it was actually last night that the House had the final vote on the final health care reform reconciliation bill that President Obama will finally sign into law early next week. It still blows my mind that the wingnuts talk about "ramming" it through, after more than a year of debating, fighting, town hall meetings and back and forth bickering. Now it's up to us to stay on top of our elected officials to make sure they live up to their pledges to make it better! I ran out [...]

Health Care…It’s Law and It’s a Big Fucking Deal!

You've got to love Joe Biden. On the day that President Obama signs health care legislation, Joe Biden steals the headlines by proclaiming to the president, just barely off-mic, that "it's a big fucking deal." Talk about an understatement! It's far from perfect, but it's the first step in what will be an ongoing fight for the rest of our lives to make sure that affordable, quality health care is a basic human right in the USA. And those first baby steps are supposed to be celebrated! I was honored to start tonight's show with Congressman Alan Grayson, who injected [...]

By |March 23rd, 2010|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Health Care…It’s Law and It’s a Big Fucking Deal!

2-24-10 What’s wrong with Democrats and more perplexing questions

It was a busy show tonight, with no shortage of stories to discuss. We started right at the top with entertainment attorney, progressive activist and HuffPost contributor Miles Mogelescu, talking about his latest piece "The Real Reason Obama's Plan Doesn't Include a Public Option". In it, he cites two NY Times reports - the first from August- that the White House worked out a backroom deal with the for-profit hospital lobbies that there would be no public option in the final health care bill!  Perplexing Question #1: Why was this never more widely reported? We moved on to a chat [...]

By |February 24th, 2010|Comments Off on 2-24-10 What’s wrong with Democrats and more perplexing questions

Religion, Media, Healthcare, and Shoq

We'll cover all of those topics on tonight's show! Yes, it's a busy Thursday!  We'll kick it off with a conversation with Frank Schaeffer, author of Crazy for God and his new book Patience With God, about today's National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC and why our president should not have attended! We'll follow that up with a visit from Tim Karr, campaign director of Free Press and the Coalition, who's been covering the hearings concerning the Comcast/NBC merger. In hour two, after a news update from the Talk Radio News Service, I'll speak with Donna Smith, co-chair of [...]

By |February 4th, 2010|Comments Off on Religion, Media, Healthcare, and Shoq

Wednesday Feb 3, 2009

The day the music died. A long, long time ago... Yes, 51 years ago today, a plane crash took some of rock and roll's biggest names. But contrary to the song, the music still lives on. I guess that's the lesson we learn. Life does go on for those left behind. If we get no health care reform, life will continue, though the quality of life for millions of Americans will continue on a downhill slide, faster than any records we'll see broken in Vancouver! In case you're wondering what's up with health care reform, you're not along... We'll attempt [...]

By |February 3rd, 2010|Comments Off on Wednesday Feb 3, 2009

Who Needs A Radio Station?

Well... Although it would be nice to be heard the old-fashioned way, via over-the-air, terrestrial radio, two days in to the new Radio or Not webcast, we're doing OK. It's busy behind the scenes, as I'm working feverishly to figure out the audio streaming solution, and working with the amazing Heather Chase on the new website. It will all come together and I'll get used to hitting the air at 6pm ET instead of 11, and will get back to blogging on a daily basis!

By |January 26th, 2010|Comments Off on Who Needs A Radio Station?

Why We Need Real Health Care Reform (and what we’ve been given so far isn’t)

I don't understand the people in this country who think we don't need health care reform. Perhaps they lack the compassion gene. How can anyone deny that we have a serious problem in the United States when a family can lose everything simply because one of its members got sick? Compassion is a theme to which I keep returning, for good reason. Access to quality, affordable health care should be a basic human right, not a privilege for the wealthy. The United States is the only developed nation on the planet that doesn't take care of its citizens in this [...]

By |January 19th, 2010|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Why We Need Real Health Care Reform (and what we’ve been given so far isn’t)

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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