We’ll cover all of those topics on tonight’s show!

Yes, it’s a busy Thursday!  We’ll kick it off with a conversation with Frank Schaeffer, author of Crazy for God and his new book Patience With God, about today’s National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC and why our president should not have attended!

We’ll follow that up with a visit from Tim Karr, campaign director of Free Press and the SavetheInternet.com Coalition, who’s been covering the hearings concerning the Comcast/NBC merger.

In hour two, after a news update from the Talk Radio News Service, I’ll speak with Donna Smith, co-chair of Progressive Democrats of America’s Healthcare Not Warfare campaign about how we move forward with the fight for affordable, comprehensive health care as a basic human right.

And we’ll wrap things up for the week with a visit from one of my favorite people to follow in Twitter, @Shoq!

Listen or watch live from the home page, and come back after the show for the podcast! Call in any time at 213-291-9410.