It was a busy show tonight, with no shortage of stories to discuss.

We started right at the top with entertainment attorney, progressive activist and HuffPost contributor Miles Mogelescu, talking about his latest piece “The Real Reason Obama’s Plan Doesn’t Include a Public Option”. In it, he cites two NY Times reports – the first from August- that the White House worked out a backroom deal with the for-profit hospital lobbies that there would be no public option in the final health care bill!  Perplexing Question #1: Why was this never more widely reported?

We moved on to a chat with Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress…  We discussed the passage of the Jobs bill by the Senate, Wellpoint jacking their rates, the health care summit tomorrow, and lots more. Perplexing Question #2: What do John Boehner and Goldilocks have in common?

For a slight break from politics (though not entirely), I spoke with horror writer Joe Hill, whose new book is called “Horns.”   He also happens to be the son of Stephen and Tabitha King! It was a fun and very interesting interview.

We had a report from the Talk Radio News Service, as we do at the top of our second hour every night.

And for perplexing question #3: What’s The Matter With Democrats?, I turned to the Wall St. Journal’s Thomas Frank, for a very lively (albeit somewhat depressing) discussion.

And a final perplexing question #4: Why did Sarah Palin name her child with Down Syndrome Trig? As Andrew Sullivan pointed out a few weeks ago, “The medical term for Down Syndrome is Trisomy-21 or Trisomy-g. It is often shortened in medical slang to Tri-g.”  Why hasn’t the mainstream media called her out on that one?

And for good measure, a big bravo to Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY)  for his speech on the floor of the House today. This one must be watched!