Stop Making Sense or Life During Wartime

  Once again, I feel as if I've entered Opposite World, where up is down, in is out and everything is completely backwards. I didn't meant to quote the Talking Heads, but it's the lower case talking heads who are making my brain hurt right now. First of all, the talking head making the most sense about Iraq right now is... Shephard Smith!?!?! Yes, the man who is relegated to keeping his sexuality safely hidden in the closet because his employer is Faux News is, once again, speaking the truth. This time, he's saying what I'm thinking about Iraq. If [...]

Friday the 13th, Guns and Jackson Browne too

Today is a rare day indeed! Not only is it Friday the 13th, but it's the rare Friday the 13th that falls on a Full Moon! It won't happen again until 2049, so let's enjoy it, or not, while we can. Today, I welcomed lawyer turned comedian and writer, Dean Obeidallah to the show. At The Daily Beast, Dean has been writing about the same things we talk about here on the show. Today, we centered in on two of his recent works,  "It's Time to Think Big or Shut Up on Gun Control" and "Home Grown, Right Wing Terrorism: [...]

World Beyond War

Imagine a world a peace. A world where warfare is not the go-to strategy when conflict arises. It's an especially important vision today, when Iraq is, once again, a bloody mess. And it sickens me even more because the US is wholly responsible for that. Author and activist David Swanson, and retired Naval Commander and former national president of Veterans for Peace Leah Bolger joined me today to talk about this new project they're working on, World Beyond War: a global movement to end all wars. If ever there was a truly worthy goal, that's it. I've joined in to [...]

Virginia is for Losers

In this case, the loser in Virginia is Eric Canter. While no one in Cantor's campaign was paying attention, a teabagger named Dave Brat came out of nowhere to defeat the seven-term Congressman and House Majority leader in yesterday's primary. Did I say House Majority Leader? Not for too much longer! BREAKING: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) will resign from being Majority Leader, GOP aides confirm to NBC News. — msnbc (@msnbc) June 11, 2014 To Eric Cantor who really, really wanted to be the first Jewish Speaker of the House: Not only will that never happen, but now there [...]

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Debt and Destruction

I'm one of the lucky ones. My father paid my way through college, as he did for my two sisters as well. We all went to Florida state universities and, back in the 1970's and 80's, tuition was remarkably inexpensive. In 2013, the average college graduate embarked on the next chapter of his or her life with $35,200 of debt and, sadly, limited career and income opportunities. Senator Elizabeth Warren had long advocated for relief and, last May, introduced the Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act, which could come up for a vote tomorrow, and would allow people with higher interest [...]


  My outrage over the right wing hypocrisy concerning the release of Bowe Bergdahl continued over the weekend, and boiled over after John McCain made his zillionth Sunday show appearance yesterday, with Candy Crowley at CNN where he proclaimed the five Taliban members traded for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was being held prison of war, were "hardcore military jihadists who are responsible for 9/11" and should have been detained indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay or some other U.S. prison. "First of all, I wouldn't release these men," McCain told CNN host Candy Crowley. "Ever?" Crowley wondered. "Not these men," McCain [...]

All Those Years Ago …

Seventy years ago today, the Allied Forces stormed the beaches at Normandy, and thus the beginning of the end of World War II. Today, President Obama and other world leaders gathered there to pay tribute to the many soldiers who died there, and to salute the survivors, now mostly in their 90s, to thank them for their role in preserving freedom. Thirty years ago this week, Bruce Springsteen released Born in the USA. He was transformed into a Superstar™ and was widely misunderstood, especially by politicians like Ronald Reagan who attempted to hijack the title track for his own purposes, but [...]

Reset the Net and the New Swiftboating

  It's interesting that the newest iteration of Swiftboating rears its ugly head on the day we try to Reset the Net. The thing the new swiftboaters, like Allen West, should remember is that the internet is forever. Write something once and it's there forever. So, let's take the war criminal Allen West as an example. Don't feel like you have to click on the link as Allen West's site deserves to die of loneliness, but back on Dec. 10, 2013, he wrote an article entitled The men Obama has abandoned. In it, he wrote, President Obama is in South Africa [...]

Political Hypocrisy and Other 21st Century Realities

Welcome to the 21st century political reality. Hypocrisy all around. President Obama proved that he can release Gitmo detainees without the approval of Congress after six years of hiding behind their intransigence on the subject. John McCain, who is hailed as a hero only because he was a Prisoner of War in Vietnam (certainly not due to his heroics in war or the way he was captured), originally was all for the prisoner swap to get Berghdahl's release -- that is, until Obama did it. As for all of Bergdahl's former platoon-mates (if that's what you call his fellow soliders) [...]

By |June 4th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Political Hypocrisy and Other 21st Century Realities

Bergnahlzi and the Winds of Change

  As we've discussed for two days now, there's no black and white divide between the wrong way and the right way to bring Bowe Bergdahl home. If indeed he walked away from his Platoon as others have said, there should be a court martial. I'm not sure that a five for one swap, with the five being hard core bad bad guys was the right move. But the vitriol and ugliness with which the Rethuglicons are attacking Bergdahl and his father goes beyond any measure of decency. From Allen West calling for the impeachment of President Obama to Fox [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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