6-4-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Not Another Shrubbery!

Nicole talks with Stephen Goldstein about his new book, "Jeb Bush Outed: Who He Really Is and Why He Should Never Be President." Howie Klein is back too, talking politics, elections and Green Day too.

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Rise Above the Snake Line

After the past two weeks in Ferguson, we could really use an event to focus on morality, equality, rights and bringing people together. North Carolina has just what the doctor ordered, as today kicks off the Moral Week of Action. If you can't make it to Raleigh, as sadly I can't, you can watch the live stream each afternoon by clicking here. And if you're still wondering what the snake line is, just listen to the man who founded the Moral Monday movement in North Carolina, Rev. Dr. William Barber from the speech he delivered at Netroots Nation last month in [...]

Ferguson or Fallujah?

                                            Two images are shown above. One is courtesy of  Cpl Mike Escobar, taken in Fallujah, Iraq in 2005.  The other taken by reporter/photographer Danny Wicentowski of St. Louis' Riverfront Times two days ago in Ferguson, MO. Can you tell which is which? It's getting increasingly more difficult by the day to tell the difference. Americans' civil rights have eroded to the point where we have to question whether the First Amendment exists as anything more than a historical reference any longer. [...]

Great American Heroes

Nicole Sandler with Congressman Alan Grayson at the Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour in Ft. Lauderdale, December 2011   Our first Great American Hero today is Congressman Alan Grayson. Although he represents Florida's 9th District, he really represents us all. Even during these times of the greatest gridlock in DC, Congressman Grayson - a member of the minority party in the House - has written more legislation and had more amendments passed than any other member, for two years running. He joined me on the show this morning to talk about some of the work he's done since we last spoke. [...]

Big Morning Boehner

We haven't whipped out a Morning Boehner in a while, but there was a big one waiting for us today. Speaker Boehner yesterday led his crazy caucus on a Quixotic mission to sue the president to “to seek appropriate relief” for Obama’s failure to enforce a provision of the Affordable Care Act that would penalize businesses that do not offer basic health insurance to their employees. Neither Boehner, nor anyone else in House leadership would say that this lawsuit is not a step towards impeachment. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi went there during her time on the floor before the vote.  When I [...]

It’s a Matter of Life and Death

War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! --Edwin Starr I was hit with a dose of sad reality yesterday during the show when, as I was discussing the sickening situation in Gaza, a long-time regular listener of this show, contributor and participant in the chat room posted in there, "Israeli Jews are Nazis." When I implored him to rethink his over generalization and admit that his hyperbole was overblown, he left the chat room in a huff and quickly stopped his monthly $5 contribution of support for Radio or Not. I emailed him the following: I'm sorry that you [...]

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

  The scales of justice are horribly unbalanced. Ever since learning about the fate of Troy Davis, a man who was convicted of murder and, despite new evidence that would have exonerated him, was executed anyway. I started learning about The Innocence Project, co-founded by Barry Scheck (of the OJ Simpson trial fame), an organization "dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted criminals through DNA testing, and reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice." Today, I spoke with Mark Godsey is the Carmichael Professor of Law and Director of the Ohio Innocence Project at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. He serves on [...]

A Jingoistic Fourth of July

  This week, we saw a bunch of racist assholes protesters blocking the roadway leading to an immigration processing office, holding up three buses with mostly women and children with hateful, misspelled signs while alternating between shouts of "USA, USA" with "Go Home" and "Get Out." Those Amerikkans blocked three buses with mostly children, all in the name of patriotism? Oh yeah, American exceptionalism at its best, huh? Sorry, but after witnessing scenes like this play out and after the embarrassment of riches from our Supreme Court this week, I'm ashamed to be an American. This is not the country envisioned [...]

Supreme Bullshit!

The Roberts Court will likely go down in history as one of, if not the worst Supreme Court in our relatively short history. Today, we were anticipating the final four decisions for this session. But this ego-maniacal set of justices are prolonging our misery for one more weekend. Today, they gave us two unanimous decisions that make any reasonable person ask what these idiots are smoking! The first decision offered today was written by one of the "liberal" justices, Stephen Breyer. In NLRB v. Noel Canning,   SCOTUS decided the fate of "recess appointments." At issue: (1) Whether the President’s recess-appointment power may [...]

From Rio with Love and Balls

This is the lead banner for Sunday's protest that was gassed by Brazil’s military police. June 15, 2014. (Photo by Dave Zirin) I am not a soccer fan. That makes me in the distinct minority among the world's population, as most of the planet is is in the throes of fútbol mania as the "FIFA World Cup" is underway in Brazil. My favorite sports writer, Dave Zirin of The Nation, has been ready for this global event for a while now, as he'd been working on his new book, Brazil's Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, The Olympics, and [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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