11-28-18 NIcole Sandler Show – Wrangling Dems and Brexit Too with David Dayen & Denis Campbell

It's a busy Wednesday show, as journalist David Dayen checks in to talk about his latest piece for The Intercept regarding the Democratic jockeying for committee assignments and more as Congress prepares for the 116th.  Then, our pal in Great Britain, Denis Campbell of UKProgressive magazine gives us the latest on the Brexit deal.

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Stop Making Sense or Life During Wartime

  Once again, I feel as if I've entered Opposite World, where up is down, in is out and everything is completely backwards. I didn't meant to quote the Talking Heads, but it's the lower case talking heads who are making my brain hurt right now. First of all, the talking head making the most sense about Iraq right now is... Shephard Smith!?!?! Yes, the man who is relegated to keeping his sexuality safely hidden in the closet because his employer is Faux News is, once again, speaking the truth. This time, he's saying what I'm thinking about Iraq. If [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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