Great American Heroes

Nicole Sandler with Congressman Alan Grayson at the Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour in Ft. Lauderdale, December 2011   Our first Great American Hero today is Congressman Alan Grayson. Although he represents Florida's 9th District, he really represents us all. Even during these times of the greatest gridlock in DC, Congressman Grayson - a member of the minority party in the House - has written more legislation and had more amendments passed than any other member, for two years running. He joined me on the show this morning to talk about some of the work he's done since we last spoke. [...]

Big Morning Boehner

We haven't whipped out a Morning Boehner in a while, but there was a big one waiting for us today. Speaker Boehner yesterday led his crazy caucus on a Quixotic mission to sue the president to “to seek appropriate relief” for Obama’s failure to enforce a provision of the Affordable Care Act that would penalize businesses that do not offer basic health insurance to their employees. Neither Boehner, nor anyone else in House leadership would say that this lawsuit is not a step towards impeachment. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi went there during her time on the floor before the vote.  When I [...]

Supreme Bullshit!

The Roberts Court will likely go down in history as one of, if not the worst Supreme Court in our relatively short history. Today, we were anticipating the final four decisions for this session. But this ego-maniacal set of justices are prolonging our misery for one more weekend. Today, they gave us two unanimous decisions that make any reasonable person ask what these idiots are smoking! The first decision offered today was written by one of the "liberal" justices, Stephen Breyer. In NLRB v. Noel Canning,   SCOTUS decided the fate of "recess appointments." At issue: (1) Whether the President’s recess-appointment power may [...]

World Beyond War

Imagine a world a peace. A world where warfare is not the go-to strategy when conflict arises. It's an especially important vision today, when Iraq is, once again, a bloody mess. And it sickens me even more because the US is wholly responsible for that. Author and activist David Swanson, and retired Naval Commander and former national president of Veterans for Peace Leah Bolger joined me today to talk about this new project they're working on, World Beyond War: a global movement to end all wars. If ever there was a truly worthy goal, that's it. I've joined in to [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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