5-26-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Unofficial Floriduh Summer Kickoff with Brit Somers

  https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/c79a1ea9-29ab-46e5-9a0e-bb2265176997.mp3   Monday is Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer. So today, I'm joined by my friend Boca Britany Somers for a special Trans Summer Kick Off in honor of the fascist Florida man who had the gall to announce his candidacy for president this week... We'll have a gay old time! An extra bonus- at one point during the show, I mentioned that Tina Turner had appeared on the Mark & Brian Show at KLOS in Los Angeles in April 1993. I referenced it with Boca due to a Silence of the Lambs reference, and promised I'd [...]

By |May 27th, 2023|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 5-26-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Unofficial Floriduh Summer Kickoff with Brit Somers

7-6-20 Nicole Sandler Show – – Life, Love & Loss w/ Boca Brit; Monday Music w/ Peter Himmelman

Download here or click below to play Today's show is a bit like the roller coaster of life. We have a lot of ground to cover, beginning with life, love and loss. That part is going to take a while, so let me skip to part two of today's show -- Music Monday. I was thrilled to be joined by Peter Himmelman.  He's a Grammy- and Emmy-nominated singer-songwriter, an artist on canvas as well as with music. He's an author, film composer, TV scorer, entrepeneur and performer... and more. I first met Peter 26 years ago when we were launching [...]

By |July 6th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 7-6-20 Nicole Sandler Show – – Life, Love & Loss w/ Boca Brit; Monday Music w/ Peter Himmelman

RIP Jorge Rodriguez

        "Boca" Britany Somers, Nicole Sandler and Jorge Rodriguez   My friend Jorge Rodriguez died on Friday. He was having lunch with his daughter when he suffered a heart attack and died. I'm devastated. I hadn't seen Jorge in a while. But Brit and I were just talking about him, as I was bemoaning my studio troubles and whining that I needed a good engineer to come over and help me figure out the problems. Brit said, "Call Jorge!". I didn't call. I emailed him. And I'm kicking myself because I should have picked up the fucking phone. [...]

By |July 6th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on RIP Jorge Rodriguez

6-21-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Pride and Parodies with Boca Britany Somers

We're somewhat reeling from last night's close call in which Donald Trump allegedly launched an attack on Iran, then called it back before any bombs were dropped. We think it's time for a stiff drink, a bong hit, and some comedy bits. South Florida radio legend Boca Britany Somers returns to the show to talk radio, Stonewall, Trump insanity and have some fun...

By |June 21st, 2019|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 6-21-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Pride and Parodies with Boca Britany Somers

2-20-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Dude Looks Like a Lady

Nicole is joined in studio by Boca Britney (formerly known as Boca Brian) to talk radio, politics, and LGBT issues. For Flashback Friday we go back to May of 2001 for a studio session with the band Semisonic

By |February 21st, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-20-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Dude Looks Like a Lady

Political Hypocrisy and Other 21st Century Realities

Welcome to the 21st century political reality. Hypocrisy all around. President Obama proved that he can release Gitmo detainees without the approval of Congress after six years of hiding behind their intransigence on the subject. John McCain, who is hailed as a hero only because he was a Prisoner of War in Vietnam (certainly not due to his heroics in war or the way he was captured), originally was all for the prisoner swap to get Berghdahl's release -- that is, until Obama did it. As for all of Bergdahl's former platoon-mates (if that's what you call his fellow soliders) [...]

By |June 4th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Political Hypocrisy and Other 21st Century Realities

Prouty, the Pope, and more Poop

Meet Scott Prouty.  We've been waiting a long time to hear from this man!  Scott Prouty came forward last night on The Ed Show as the guy behind the infamous "47%" video. Of course, David Corn and Mother Jones played a big role in getting the video out. Corn explained how it all unfolded. For nearly a fortnight, he and I had been building a long-distance rapport via private tweets, emails, and phone conversations as we discussed how best to make public the secret video he had shot of Mitt Romney talking at a private, $50,000-per-plate fundraiser in Boca Raton, Florida. Now [...]

By |March 14th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Prouty, the Pope, and more Poop

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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