7-6-16 Nicole Sandler Show – History Keeps Repeating

  We awoke to an awful déjà vu this morning. Another black man was killed by cops in a show of excessive, brutal police force. Alton Sterling, a 37-year old father of five, was selling CDs in front of a convenience store, something he did regularly to help support his family. Someone called the cops on him, and now Alton Sterling is dead. We are talking about it because someone captured the shooting on video. And now a second video has surfaced. And tomorrow, the trial begins for the most senior of the cops who was involved in the wild [...]

By |July 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-6-16 Nicole Sandler Show – History Keeps Repeating

From Rio with Love and Balls

This is the lead banner for Sunday's protest that was gassed by Brazil’s military police. June 15, 2014. (Photo by Dave Zirin) I am not a soccer fan. That makes me in the distinct minority among the world's population, as most of the planet is is in the throes of fútbol mania as the "FIFA World Cup" is underway in Brazil. My favorite sports writer, Dave Zirin of The Nation, has been ready for this global event for a while now, as he'd been working on his new book, Brazil's Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, The Olympics, and [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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