Veterans Day – What Are We Fighting For?

Every year on November 11, we honor our nation's veterans.  It was just 18 months  ago that, as we were approaching Memorial Day, that Chris Hayes came under fire for saying that not all who fought (and died) in war were necessarily heroes. I had been watching his show that day, and agreed with him.  He came under massive fire and, if memory serves, finally gave in and apologized.  And that's where he lost me. Today, although I join with the nation to thank those who serve to protect our country, I also beg everyone to ask loudly, "What are [...]

By |November 11th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Veterans Day – What Are We Fighting For?

Another Year Gone By…

So, today is my birthday.  At least I got a really good horoscope for today: You're the star, and opportunities abound this year. Fix up your home over the next five months. Expect a boost in creativity, partnership and romance over autumn and again in spring. Prepare to launch late next July. There's travel involved. Make an exciting career move, and grow skills. Bank your profits. And the general Scorpio outlook: You're surrounded by money-making opportunities, and by love. Don't close the door on opportunities. File them for later, if you can't manage all now. Have faith in your own imagination. [...]

By |November 4th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Another Year Gone By…

Stop Watching Us

The revelations keep on coming!  As thousands took to the streets in DC over the weekend, telling the administration and the NSA to stop watching us, we learned that - in addition to listening in on Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel's personal phone calls, the NSA monitored 60 million phone calls, texts and emails in Spain in one month! I played two videos on the show this morning, courtesy of StopWatching.US: There is no end in sight. Last night 60 Minutes devoted its opening segment to Benghazi. Talk about timing! I had already scheduled Ari Rabin-Havt for today's show. Ari is the morning [...]

By |October 28th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Stop Watching Us

A Week of Double-Headers

This week, I'll be guest hosting the Randi Rhodes Show in addition to my own show here at RadioOrNot. To any of Randi's fans coming here for info, she's just taking a week off and will be back at her microphone on Monday. I promise! Today, I'm honored to speak with Thom Hartmann.  He'll join me on both shows to talk about his latest project, Last Hours.  The first short video in the series is available at that link, and right here: I hope you'll take the few minutes to watch it, and listen to our discussions today.  I just [...]

By |October 21st, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on A Week of Double-Headers

How Ted Cruz Brought Down the GOP!

Sometimes, the analogy just appears out of nowhere. This morning while picking today's pre-show music, I was thinking that the GOP was stuck.  So I played songs that fit that theme leading up to the start of the show for those who checked in on one of my feeds a little early. ("Stuck in the Middle with You" by Stealer's Wheel, "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again" by Dylan, Todd Snider's "Stuck on the Corner", and U2's "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" all seemed to fit in one way or another.) As I [...]

Playing Russian Roulette with the Economy

Or, I suppose, American Roulette. Either way, we're fucked. It's great to be back at Radio or Not after a week of having to watch out for F-bombs on terrestrial radio.  We spent much of the first hour recapping the madness that ensued while I was gone last week.  Cliff Schecter joined in to help try to make sense of the insanity. And if it's Monday, we find out what ridiculous things politicians said and how the so-called journalists who moderate the Sunday shows let them get away with spewing bullshit in our Fools on the Hill™ segment with Nicole [...]

By |October 7th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Playing Russian Roulette with the Economy

There Could Be Catastrophic Consequences

The headline above could refer to any of the stories we covered today. We started the show with my interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott, one of the world's loudest, most passionate voices about the dangers of nukes - both weapons and power!  For decades, Dr. Caldicott has been educating the world, focusing on the grave danger posed to public health by radiation, by the contribution of nuclear power to global warming, and by the real capacity of nuclear weapons, technology, and waste, to render parts or all of the earth uninhabitable forever. At, I read Dr. Caldicott's articles about [...]

Journalistic Integrity vs the Mainstream Corporate Media

Obviously, dear reader/listener, you know that this site and my show is about as far from the "mainstream/corporate media" as possible.  So perhaps I give little-known news blogs the benefit of the doubt more often than I should - though I still believe we're more likely to get the truth from intrepid reporters who hold no allegiance to corporate overlords. That said, a dose of healthy skepticism is also a good thing to hold on to - regardless of who is telling the story. Last month, as we were trying to figure out what had actually happened in Syria after [...]

By |September 23rd, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Journalistic Integrity vs the Mainstream Corporate Media

Winning: No War, No Summers!

Go figure. We criticized from the left, and we won.  Of course, those who ascribe to "My President, wrong or right" have been out in force, damning all who dare to question their leader.  I guess I view democracy differently.  I believe it means that we all have a voice in our government, which is ostensibly of, by and for the people, and that it's not only our right, but our responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable. So, we spoke out against the administration's admonitions that we must attack Syria because Syria attacked its own people.  And we spoke [...]

By |September 16th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Winning: No War, No Summers!

War and Peace

If only it were that simple.  It seems as if the Obama administration is telling us that we only have two choices: bomb Syria or do nothing. The Russians are floating another option this morning... diplomacy. Imagine! What a concept! The AP this morning reports "Russia to Push Syria To Put Chemical Weapons Under International Control". MOSCOW — In a surprise move, Russia promised Monday to push its ally Syria to place its chemical weapons under international control and then dismantle them quickly to avert U.S. strikes. The announcement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov came a few hours after U.S. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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