5-30-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Russia Investigated with Jacki Schechner

After an update on the day's news and information, Nicole Sandler is joined by journalist Jacki Schechner who kept us informed about all things related to the Affordable Care Act. She's now turned her sights on the Russia investigation with the Committee to Investigate Russia and the website at investigaterussia.org.  Follow them on twitter at @investigateRU, and be sure to sign up for the nightly newsletter too!

By |May 30th, 2018|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 5-30-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Russia Investigated with Jacki Schechner

6-29-17 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Not Dead Yet

The GOP is still planning on ramming its Trumpcare bill through the senate. The goal is to have a revision over to the CBO by tomorrow so that it's scored by the time they return from their July 4th week off, and vote on it in the three weeks before they head out for the month of August. Jacki Schechner, who worked for Health Care for America Now through the entire run-up to the ACA before doing the news with Stephanie Miller on Current TV, joined me today on the show to talk about the many reasons we must stop [...]

By |June 29th, 2017|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 6-29-17 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Not Dead Yet

Ship of Fools

We're setting sail to the place on the map from which no one has ever returned Drawn by the promise of the joker and the fool by the light of the crosses that burned. Drawn by the promise of the women and the lace and the gold and the cotton and pearls It's the place where they keep all the darkness you need. You sail away from the light of the world on this trip, baby. You will pay tomorrow You're gonna pay tomorrow You will pay tomorrow Save me. Save me from tomorrow I don't want to sail with [...]

By |April 1st, 2014|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Ship of Fools

Our Show is on AM 760 in Denver for the Rest of the Week

    Listen live from 9-noon ET (7-10 Mountain Time) at AM760.net Today, we'll be talking about the Government Shutdown (thanks GOP) and the opening of the Healthcare Exchanges (thanks Democrats)...  We'll talk with Jacki Schechner - an expert on all things Obamacare, and @GottaLaff of The Political Carnival. And the phone lines are open for your comments at 303-713-7600! Update**  What a blast I had today.   Big thanks to Gloria and the AM760 staff for having me, and to all the listeners for being so welcoming and participating in the discussion! In case you missed it, you can [...]

By |October 1st, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Our Show is on AM 760 in Denver for the Rest of the Week

There Could Be Catastrophic Consequences

The headline above could refer to any of the stories we covered today. We started the show with my interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott, one of the world's loudest, most passionate voices about the dangers of nukes - both weapons and power!  For decades, Dr. Caldicott has been educating the world, focusing on the grave danger posed to public health by radiation, by the contribution of nuclear power to global warming, and by the real capacity of nuclear weapons, technology, and waste, to render parts or all of the earth uninhabitable forever. At NuclearFreePlanet.org, I read Dr. Caldicott's articles about [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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