3-29-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Just Say No (To Corporate Media)

Nicole Sandler calls out the media for its role in turning the 2016 election into a farce. GottaLaff tells how the LA Times showed its bias this week. Claire Conner returns to the show to help trace the GOP insanity back to her childhood with the John Birch Society. And Tim Canova, the congressional candidate challenging Debbie Wasserman Schultz returned. Plus tone matters, Susan Sarandon speaks out and lots more.

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It's a double header today, as I'm guest hosting the Randi Rhodes Show this afternoon (3-6ET)... But it's time we say enough. We're on the verge of the end of sanity, and we must take action to stop the hemorrhaging of democratic principles! Yesterday, I heard Randi mention the 14 Characteristics of Fascism - and if we're not there yet, we're awfully close! This morning on my show, I spoke with Claire Conner, author of Wrapped in the Flag (now out in paperback) her story of growing up with parents who were original members and top lieutenants in the John [...]

War and Peace

If only it were that simple.  It seems as if the Obama administration is telling us that we only have two choices: bomb Syria or do nothing. The Russians are floating another option this morning... diplomacy. Imagine! What a concept! The AP this morning reports "Russia to Push Syria To Put Chemical Weapons Under International Control". MOSCOW — In a surprise move, Russia promised Monday to push its ally Syria to place its chemical weapons under international control and then dismantle them quickly to avert U.S. strikes. The announcement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov came a few hours after U.S. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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