April Fools

It is April Fools Day and, to celebrate, I've invited some of the best political comics to join me on today's Randi Rhodes Show. But before we get to the line-up, allow me to share with you some of today's news items that should be April Fools pranks but, unfortunately, are not... The DUH is emphasized in Florida, as a democrat is chastised on the House floor for daring to utter the work "uterus." Mike Huckabee suggests that we'd be in a better place if only all Americans were forced, at gunpoint, to be indoctrinated by listening to some right [...]

Weekend Laughs

Thursdays start my weekends, and we got it off to a good start today!  Mix a blogger with a journalist and a couple of comedians and me... and you've got today's show. My first guest was blogger Zerlina Maxwell, with whom I feel a bit of kinship as we both won DFA Scholarships to last summer's Netroots Nation in the same round of voting.  Zerlina blogs at This Week in Blackness and The Loop 21, where her latest piece, "Republicans Will Impeach Obama" is posted. Yesterday marked the 6 month anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.  What's that? You'd forgotten [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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