No Vote No Future

We are coming down to the wire.  I'll be voting tomorrow. As the following two videos show - one using clever production techniques and scare tactics and the other using that all-too-valuable but becoming ever-scarce and somehow vilified common sense - it's time to put up or shut up. First, we look to our friends at, whose RepubliCorp campaign is nothing short of brilliant.  In fact, it was in keeping with this idea that Lauren Valle had her head stomped on by a Rand Paul campaign worker when she held up a sign proclaiming Paul "RepubliCorp Employee of the [...]

Six Days and Counting…

Election day is less than a week off, and the times they are a-changing.  If we really want to head off the corporatocracy that's already in place, it's more important than ever to get out and vote! With six days left, my conversation with Howie Klein of DownWithTyranny and the Blue America PAC was more important than ever. We discussed the role of Blue Dogs in the House and how we'd probably be better off without most of them (yet how the DCCC keeps funneling money into their campaigns, but not to those of progressives who stand a chance of [...]

By |October 27th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Six Days and Counting…

When Politics Turns Ugly

That's what it looks like. Lauren Valle was trying to present Rand Paul with the "Republicorp Employee of the Month Award" as he was getting out of his car last night to enter the studios of Kentucky Education Television for the debate with Jack Conway.  Rand Paul's thugs tackled her and stomped on her shoulders and head.  See the video for yourself... What's even uglier are some of the comments on this right wing blog, who defend the violence! A quick shout out to KagroX, who this morning tweeted "Freedom of Speech for Juan Williams. Oh, hold on, I have [...]

The Final Stretch

We have just over a week before election day, and things are getting nastier by the minute. On today's show, I'll be joined by one of the few progressive heroes in Congress - Raul Grijalva - who is in serious danger of losing his seat. On Thursday, Grijalva's Tucson office was evacuated Thursday when a staffer opened an envelope containing a plastic bag of white powder and two pieces of paper with swastikas written on them. Nice, huh?  Yes, it's ugly out there... But we'll start the show with Jason Leopold of Truthout, who spent the weekend poring over the [...]

Weekend Laughs

Thursdays start my weekends, and we got it off to a good start today!  Mix a blogger with a journalist and a couple of comedians and me... and you've got today's show. My first guest was blogger Zerlina Maxwell, with whom I feel a bit of kinship as we both won DFA Scholarships to last summer's Netroots Nation in the same round of voting.  Zerlina blogs at This Week in Blackness and The Loop 21, where her latest piece, "Republicans Will Impeach Obama" is posted. Yesterday marked the 6 month anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.  What's that? You'd forgotten [...]

Filling in for Randi Rhodes today

Randi's headed to NY to guest on Joy Behar's TV show tonight, so I'll be filling in for her today.  And that's a good thing, as there's so much to talk about today... I ran out of time this morning on my show! We'll start the show with some examples of the opposite world in which the right lives.  In their world, up is down and wrong is right.  I'll give you a list of some examples, and then ask for your best instances of the right wing hypocrisy... My guests will include Howie Klein, who blogs at and [...]

It’s a Two-Fer Wednesday

Yes, a busy day here at Radio or Not.  I've got my show coming up from 10-noon... and then I'll be guest-hosting the Randi Rhodes Show, so she can head up to NY to be a guest on Joy Behar's show tonight. I'll be back later to tell you what we have planned for Randi's show... but here's what's happening on mine. It's Wednesday, that means Howie Klein from DownWithTyranny and the Blue America PAC.  We're 13 days away from election day and it's getting tight.  Blue America actually has a new campaign ad against "Democrat" Bobby Bright in Alabama.  [...]

By |October 20th, 2010|1 Comment

Defending McCain

That's Meghan McCain I'm defending, not her demented father.  I never thought I'd do that, but after seeing her on The Rachel Maddow Show last night, I realized  that -though while she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier - she does make some good points. In this day and age of the crazier the better for people of the right-leaning persuasion, it's refreshing to hear a self-identified Republican say things that make sense.  She's on the right (left) side when it comes to LGBT rights - including marriage equality and the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.  For speaking [...]

Return of the Aqua Buddha, The Outlaws and More Monday Madness

Just when you though politics couldn't get any weirder, the Aqua Buddha returns, in all his chubby, wet glory. Actually, we have Jack Conway to thank for bringing back this very strange aspect of the very strange Rand Paul's past.  First, here's Conway's latest ad: Last night, the topic led off the debate between the two guys hoping to represent Kentucky in the US Senate... it was fireworks from the first word: And poor, insulted "Dr." Paul wouldn't shake Attorney General Jack Conway's hand at the end of it... Yikes. Although my favorite line of the evening came from Conway, [...]

By |October 18th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Return of the Aqua Buddha, The Outlaws and More Monday Madness

“What I Believe Is Irrelevant” & Other Political Jokes

"What I believe Is irrelevant" is a direct quote from Christine "I'm Not A Witch" O'Donnell when asked last night in the first Coons-O'Donnell debate whether or not she still believes that "evolution is a myth," something she proudly proclaimed on Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect" a dozen or so years ago. On that one statement Christine, you are correct. I'll take it a step further... YOU are irrelevant. I know, you're asking "so why all the media attention?"  The woman is in the neighborhood of 20 points behind Chris Coons, the man who showed last night that he will be [...]

By |October 14th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “What I Believe Is Irrelevant” & Other Political Jokes

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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