Carly Fiorina, Demon Ewe of a Candidate

    Whether bloody sport or contentious reality show, the 2016 primary season has [thus far, I know we are all excited about the Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren assignation] precisely two strong dames to keep on opposite sides of the ropes. But are they both actually competing for the only Oval Office? […]

She’s Gone – Crazy Bachmann Edition

As much as I would have loved to see her go down on election night, the news that Michele Bachmann will not seek a 5th term in the US House of Representatives was a welcome way to start the day.  My only regret is that the hard drive containing the last 5 years of news audio clips died last week, so I wasn't able to pull together my own fitting tribute of her craziest statements. Even her video announcing that she won't seek re-election is bizarre.  Just check out her smile and giddiness during the announcement. Even funnier are her [...]

By |May 29th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on She’s Gone – Crazy Bachmann Edition

Mayday Mayday!

It's the first day of May and, yes, we do need help.  The inmates seem to be running the asylum.  People like Michele Bachmann have got to go, so that's why I spoke with Jim Graves this morning. Jim Graves jumped into the race late in 2012, and came thisclose to sending Michele home to Marcus.  This time, he's in early, and stands a really good chance of making Congressman Bachmann history. I was so impressed with every answer he gave to every question I asked! I hope you'll take the time to listen to our conversation.  In the meantime, [...]

Presidential Balls

Perhaps it's the fact that today is the last day in April that got me a bit feisty today, or it was the fact that John Fugelsang and GottaLaff were my guests this morning, or that the president's press conference was so easy to heckle - or a combination of all of the above. I guess my potty-mouthed mocking this morning began with the reading of the now-infamous sorority sister's profanity-filled missive, and then listening to this spoof of it. But when President Obama responded to a question during the press conference about the Guantanamo detainees on hunger strikes, I [...]

By |April 30th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Presidential Balls

When Your Child Gets Hurt Away From Home

I just got back to town late last night from taking my daughter to sleep away camp.  I got her settled in to her cabin, met the counselors and some of the other girls, and drove the five hours home, missing her already. As I was preparing for today's show - around 45 minutes before showtime - the phone rang.  It was the camp nurse.  After telling me not to worry, she said that they had just called an ambulance!  When my heart slowed down enough for me to hear her over the loud thumping, she explained that Alison passed [...]

By |June 27th, 2011|Tags: , , |Comments Off on When Your Child Gets Hurt Away From Home

“What I Believe Is Irrelevant” & Other Political Jokes

"What I believe Is irrelevant" is a direct quote from Christine "I'm Not A Witch" O'Donnell when asked last night in the first Coons-O'Donnell debate whether or not she still believes that "evolution is a myth," something she proudly proclaimed on Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect" a dozen or so years ago. On that one statement Christine, you are correct. I'll take it a step further... YOU are irrelevant. I know, you're asking "so why all the media attention?"  The woman is in the neighborhood of 20 points behind Chris Coons, the man who showed last night that he will be [...]

By |October 14th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “What I Believe Is Irrelevant” & Other Political Jokes

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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