When Politics Turns Ugly

That's what it looks like. Lauren Valle was trying to present Rand Paul with the "Republicorp Employee of the Month Award" as he was getting out of his car last night to enter the studios of Kentucky Education Television for the debate with Jack Conway.  Rand Paul's thugs tackled her and stomped on her shoulders and head.  See the video for yourself... What's even uglier are some of the comments on this right wing blog, who defend the violence! A quick shout out to KagroX, who this morning tweeted "Freedom of Speech for Juan Williams. Oh, hold on, I have [...]

The Final Stretch

We have just over a week before election day, and things are getting nastier by the minute. On today's show, I'll be joined by one of the few progressive heroes in Congress - Raul Grijalva - who is in serious danger of losing his seat. On Thursday, Grijalva's Tucson office was evacuated Thursday when a staffer opened an envelope containing a plastic bag of white powder and two pieces of paper with swastikas written on them. Nice, huh?  Yes, it's ugly out there... But we'll start the show with Jason Leopold of Truthout, who spent the weekend poring over the [...]

Return of the Aqua Buddha, The Outlaws and More Monday Madness

Just when you though politics couldn't get any weirder, the Aqua Buddha returns, in all his chubby, wet glory. Actually, we have Jack Conway to thank for bringing back this very strange aspect of the very strange Rand Paul's past.  First, here's Conway's latest ad: Last night, the topic led off the debate between the two guys hoping to represent Kentucky in the US Senate... it was fireworks from the first word: And poor, insulted "Dr." Paul wouldn't shake Attorney General Jack Conway's hand at the end of it... Yikes. Although my favorite line of the evening came from Conway, [...]

By |October 18th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Return of the Aqua Buddha, The Outlaws and More Monday Madness

Masturbation Can Be Fun

In an election year that's supposed to be deadly for Dems, the Republicans seem to be the ones going down, so to speak. As much as they hate the "Democrat" party, they seem to ignore the bigger picture: that by nominating candidates like Sharron Angle, Rand Paul, Joe Miller and now Christine O'Donnell, they've given us a nice big wet kiss. Or, for O'Donnell's sake, a somewhat satisfying hand job. On today's show, we'll delve into the opinions of Delaware's Republican Senatorial candidate, and the rest of yesterday's primary results with Ellen Ratner of the Talk Radio News Service, Christina [...]

By |September 15th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Masturbation Can Be Fun

The Political Tango

Politics is a dance.  More often than not, it's infuriating.  But it's the biggest reality show out there, where the winner gets the power.  And we're just in time for the fall season. I started tonight's show talking about the Florida Senate race.  I've stated before that I'm in a quandary.  Kendrick Meek is the Democrat, and also happens to be my Congressman!  The problem is that I'm not a big fan of his.  I don't dislike him either, but I don't think he's been particularly effective.  And then there's the name that doesn't scream fighter!  I also think he [...]

By |September 7th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Political Tango

Net Neutrality, Kendrick Meek and BP

Those were the topics we covered on tonight's show. We started with the sad news that the Obama administration is, once again, letting us down. During the campaign and throughout the first year of the Obama presidency, Net Neutrality was the signature communications/technology issue. When an appeals court last month said that the FCC didn't have jurisdiction over broadband, the response was swift and certain that they'd take care of that. Now, not so much! The Washington Post reported that Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is “leaning toward” a decision not to “reclassify” broadband to re-establish FCC authority over [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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