What’s the Matter With America?

I've taken it upon myself to change the name of Thomas Frank's iconic book, What's the Matter With Kansas? It's now asking the same question about all of America, because the right-wing craziness that infected the heart of the nation has spread, like a nasty virus with seemingly no cure! I've  had the pleasure of speaking with Frank a few times, including this morning.  We never seem to have enough time, and today was no exception.  Check out his work at Harpers (if you're a subscriber), at the resurrected The Baffler, and his two more recent books The Wrecking Crew [...]

By |March 28th, 2012|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on What’s the Matter With America?

It’s 2011. Time To Get Back To Work!

Here we go. Welcome to the New Year. We certainly have our work cut out for us. I live in South Florida. Or, I should say, Flori-DUH. This is the state that elected a criminal as our next governor. Rick Scott's former company Columbia HCA (he built it from the ground-up) paid a record $1.7 billion in fines for Medicare fraud and pleaded guilty to 14 felony charges. Oh yeah, this is going to be interesting times in Florida. If you thought things couldn't get much worse, my new Congressman is the one and only Allen West. I'll talk Flori-DUH [...]

By |January 3rd, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s 2011. Time To Get Back To Work!

We’re Going to the Dogs

On Friday afternoon, twitter was all a-tweet with the news that MSNBC had suspended Keith Olbermann - INDEFINITELY! - because he had the hubris to donate to three political campaigns... without asking permission from the corporation first! That's the important part.  Not the fact that someone working for this news organization made a political contribution, but that he didn't ask permission first!  Seriously?!?!  This is the corporatocracy of which we've been warned.  (And the right screams of 'facism'? Seriously?) Well, after a weekend of hand-wringing and petition signing, MSNBC chief Phil Griffin this morning announced that Keith will be back [...]

Return of the Aqua Buddha, The Outlaws and More Monday Madness

Just when you though politics couldn't get any weirder, the Aqua Buddha returns, in all his chubby, wet glory. Actually, we have Jack Conway to thank for bringing back this very strange aspect of the very strange Rand Paul's past.  First, here's Conway's latest ad: Last night, the topic led off the debate between the two guys hoping to represent Kentucky in the US Senate... it was fireworks from the first word: And poor, insulted "Dr." Paul wouldn't shake Attorney General Jack Conway's hand at the end of it... Yikes. Although my favorite line of the evening came from Conway, [...]

By |October 18th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Return of the Aqua Buddha, The Outlaws and More Monday Madness

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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