Time To Call This Trump a Spade #DiggingHisOwnGreatHole

The inimitable Horsey, The L.A. Times   I don't enjoy typing that Megyn Kelly has a milligram of my support, and I'm one twitchy feminista just thinking it out loud … but that's the perversely consistent thing about The Devil Donald, he's an equal opportunity crass a$$hole. Behold:   Ladies, gents; we have our very own custom privée Waterloo of Political CrayCray straightaway ahead of us. This is the momento to deftly herd the Blowhard Buffoon into the Putin-rivaling maneuver that has him seated victoriously astride the shark-jumping gold Trumpian helicopter. Hair blowin' in the winds that are [...]

Tom Cotton Makes A Finer Fool of Himself v Howard Dean

These are the days it pays to put on the Orvis Waders and watch Morning Schmoe and Meeka at dawn’s arse crack. So you don’t have to. Skeletons in the GOP Way Back Machine … Dog Bless the Internets. Prior fetid statements from the fresh senator that Progressive Arkansans may be already cotton to. […]

Years of Living Misogynistically

misogyny Syllabification: mi·sog·y·ny Pronunciation: /məˈsäjənē NOUN Dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women:she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny Welcome to 2014 - the year Misogyny went mainstream. Yesterday, the highest court in the land codified women's place as second class citizens into law with its misdirected and horribly wrong decision in the Hobby Lobby case. But the five Christian men on the court took it even a further step by saying that corporations religious rights trump the rights of said corporations' actual living, breathing female employees'! And this isn't the first time the Roberts-Alito-Scalia-Thomas-Kennedy court has ruled [...]

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