3-10-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday Traitors & Treason

Nicole discusses the latest outrage from today's Republican party- an open letter to the leaders of Iran trying to sabotage ongoing talks, an act she believes is treason. Attorney Michael Minardi tells about representing the first defendant in FL to get a not guilty verdict using medical marijuana as a defense. And GottaLaff is back!

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Tom Cotton Makes A Finer Fool of Himself v Howard Dean

These are the days it pays to put on the Orvis Waders and watch Morning Schmoe and Meeka at dawn’s arse crack. So you don’t have to. Skeletons in the GOP Way Back Machine … Dog Bless the Internets. Prior fetid statements from the fresh senator that Progressive Arkansans may be already cotton to. […]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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