With All Due Respect to Marc Maron… WTF?

What the fuck Arianna Huffington?  It's bad enough you don't pay HuffPost contributors for their work, but after selling out to AOL you go and hire Andrew Breitbart? And what the fuck President Obama? Dropping bombs on Libya when our safety as a nation was not threatened? What are you, George W. Bush revisited? And WTF to the geniuses at Ronald Reagan International Airport?  You name an airport after the guy who busted the air traffic controllers union, and you expect the tower to be manned? And finally, WTF Donald Trump?!? You'll never be president no matter how much of [...]

Year End Musings

Tomorrow we come to the end of another year. Today will be my last opportunity to speak with you in 2010, and all I can say to this year is Good Riddance. The year began with a double whammy in January.  The Supreme Court overturned democracy with their despicable ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, and opened the floodgates for corporate money to control elections.  To add insult to injury, later that very same day, Air America radio shut down for good, leaving me among the millions of un- or under-employed, and leaving America with far fewer liberal voices on [...]

By |December 30th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Year End Musings

Counting down to 2011

I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas holiday. Personally, I couldn't let go of the stories shared with us on Wed and Thursday on The Randi Rhodes Show, so I spent the Christmas weekend putting together a website to help.  Please check it out at www.helpthe99ers.com, and use it according to your needs and abilities. I'm taking a bit of a holiday from my show this week, sharing some of the highlights from the music years of my radio career.  This morning we listened to interviews with and performances by Graham Parker, Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders), Jackson Browne, Natalie Merchant and [...]

By |December 27th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Counting down to 2011

Do Unto Others…

Isn't that one of the most important teachings of Christianity? Treat others as you'd like them to treat you? It's the Christmas season when, supposedly, millions around the world honor the birth of Christ... buy practicing overindulgent and crass commercialism.  That's not the way it's supposed to be. By way of full disclosure, I'm Jewish-- a non-practicing Jew at that, but I think I'm more "christian" than most of those gift-hoarding hypocrites who only look out for their own best interests and don't give a damn about their neighbors who are truly in need. Yes, I'm a bit bitter.  I [...]

GOP Lacks Compassion Gene

That's the only way I can rationalize the way the 21st century Republican party operates.  It's leaders don't give a damn about anyone who can't contribute big bucks to their continued political ascension or help fatten the bank accounts of their cronies. With the help of professional liars like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and everyone at Faux News, they've snookered the lemmings into taking to the streets to fight against their own best interests. I can't find who said it originally, but the thought "never underestimate the stupidity of the American people" rings truer today than ever before... Mitch McConnell [...]

By |December 2nd, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on GOP Lacks Compassion Gene

If You Touch My Junk I’m Gonna Have You Arrested

I really don't know what I'll do the next time I fly.  I just know that the "security" checks we're subjected to are invasive and ridiculous. Have you read John Tyner's blog?  He's the guy who spoke those now-legendary words when the TSA flunkie told him how he was going to feel him up.   I'm sure it's a topic I'll discuss with John Fugelsang during our regular Thursday morning get-together today.  He's in Charlotte, NC today, which means he had to fly.  I wonder if he met any new TSA friends? How did we wind up with these [...]

It’s Veterans Day, But No Holiday for the News

Wow. Where to begin today?  I guess we'll start with the story that I'm, albeit remotely, connected to. Broward County Schools Lockdown connected to incoming Congressman's Chief of Staff As I was on the air yesterday, word came that all Broward County schools were on lockdown, including the school my daughter attends.  The only information we could get at the time was that an email and a phone call to a 'local radio station' saying that someone was going to start shooting at a government building or school was deemed a credible enough threat to take this action.  Late last [...]

Filling in for Randi Rhodes today

Randi's headed to NY to guest on Joy Behar's TV show tonight, so I'll be filling in for her today.  And that's a good thing, as there's so much to talk about today... I ran out of time this morning on my show! We'll start the show with some examples of the opposite world in which the right lives.  In their world, up is down and wrong is right.  I'll give you a list of some examples, and then ask for your best instances of the right wing hypocrisy... My guests will include Howie Klein, who blogs at DownWithTyranny.com and [...]

“What I Believe Is Irrelevant” & Other Political Jokes

"What I believe Is irrelevant" is a direct quote from Christine "I'm Not A Witch" O'Donnell when asked last night in the first Coons-O'Donnell debate whether or not she still believes that "evolution is a myth," something she proudly proclaimed on Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect" a dozen or so years ago. On that one statement Christine, you are correct. I'll take it a step further... YOU are irrelevant. I know, you're asking "so why all the media attention?"  The woman is in the neighborhood of 20 points behind Chris Coons, the man who showed last night that he will be [...]

By |October 14th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “What I Believe Is Irrelevant” & Other Political Jokes

Tony Curtis & Me – The Thursday Nicole Sandler Show

RIP Tony Curtis.  Yes, there's a story to go along with the photo.  From 1990-1994, I produced the Mark & Brian Show at KLOS in Los Angeles.  Each year, we'd put on a ridiculously extravagent Christmas show.  Tony Curtis had appeared on the show to promote his book and, if memory serves, he returned to read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" at the Christmas show. Tony took a liking to me.  His publicist must have given him my phone number, as Tony was relentless in his pursuit.  I finally had to tell him that I simply wasn't interested.  He took [...]

By |September 30th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Tony Curtis & Me – The Thursday Nicole Sandler Show

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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