Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right

SULOME ANDERSON'He calls me neshama, I call him habibi. Love doesn't speak the language of occupation #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies,'Sulome Anderson tweeted. If only the so-called leaders could be taken out of the equation, the people of the world might actually have a shot at world peace! But only a shot because there are still citizens throughout the world who insist on placing all of the blame for this mess on one side or the other. As an American atheist of Jewish descent, I still consider myself a Jew - with all the history to comes with that heritage. I have [...]

By |July 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right

Political Hypocrisy and Other 21st Century Realities

Welcome to the 21st century political reality. Hypocrisy all around. President Obama proved that he can release Gitmo detainees without the approval of Congress after six years of hiding behind their intransigence on the subject. John McCain, who is hailed as a hero only because he was a Prisoner of War in Vietnam (certainly not due to his heroics in war or the way he was captured), originally was all for the prisoner swap to get Berghdahl's release -- that is, until Obama did it. As for all of Bergdahl's former platoon-mates (if that's what you call his fellow soliders) [...]

By |June 4th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Political Hypocrisy and Other 21st Century Realities

Oy FloriDUH!

Although we covered a lot of news on the show today, we were earily consumed by one particularly engrossing story, that of Florida Congressman Joe Garcia who was earnestly engaged in the House Judiciary Committee's hearing on the government's surveillance programs. This sad display was not the only reason we pulled out the Oy FloriDUH fanfare today. Oh no. And the other story isn't nearly as amusing... First, a bit of background. Earlier this week, a new report courtesy of NASA told us what most of us already suspected: a rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appears [...]

Whining About Women, and Song (04/23/2014)

  Jon Stewart almost nailed it last night when he ended his segment on the right wing double standard for women by saying "It's alright to be a pussy as long as you've got a dick." But he left off the last four words that would have made that statement 100% correct: "if you're a Republican." Susie Madrak of Crooks & Liars sent me this clip to discuss when she joined in during the first hour of the show today.... Their double standard really is astounding. They demean Dianne Feinstein and Hillary Clinton as "too emotional" - yet applaud the [...]

By |April 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Whining About Women, and Song (04/23/2014)


Tomorrow is April 15. It's s double-whammy this year. Not only is it tax filing day, but it's also the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing. It's easy to understand why I just want to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over my head. This year, I got my taxes done early. Unfortunately, I owe the IRS a lot of money. The reason why is might surprise you. Due to financial hardship, I had to take my savings out of my IRA. Obviously, I saved that money fully intending to use it after I retired. Unfortunately, life [...]

Colbert, Christie, Climate & Christian Hypocrisy

(Ed note: I know the image above is not of a cow. It was the perfect image for today's show, where nothing is as it should be. Welcome to Opposite World, Bizarro World, or the world where a cow looks like a horse.) Let's begin with Colbert. Last week, Stephen Colbert showed what real satire is, and the right wing nuts in this country proved they haven't got a clue. Colbert pointed out the complete insincerity and blatant racism of Dan Snyder, the guy who owns the NFL team based in Washington DC, with this bit (starts at the 8:31 [...]

Media Fail

  If there's one subject I talk about a lot on this show it's the epic failure of media in America. Today, I spoke with journalist David Dayen who wrote a piece for Al Jazeera America  about the "Better Off Budget" - the budget released by the Congressional Progressive Caucus on Wednesday of last week. Unless you saw Dayen's piece or read about in on another blog somewhere, you don't know that it was offered, because the mainstream, corporate media completely ignored it... as they do every year! Dave Johnson asked "Why the Blackout on the Progressive 'Better off Budget'?" [...]

“Shake More Hands, Drop Fewer Bombs”

I think I said it all yesterday, except for the "I told you so." Even John Stewart went off on how ridiculous the criticisms of the Handshake that Shook the World were... The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook But if you listen all the way to the end, you'll hear John Stewart say that the "selfie" (actually taken by the Danish Prime Minister of herself, President Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron) "kind of fucked up." No Jon. What's fucked up is the holier than thou attitude of the pundits (yourself included) [...]

Another Year Gone By…

So, today is my birthday.  At least I got a really good horoscope for today: You're the star, and opportunities abound this year. Fix up your home over the next five months. Expect a boost in creativity, partnership and romance over autumn and again in spring. Prepare to launch late next July. There's travel involved. Make an exciting career move, and grow skills. Bank your profits. And the general Scorpio outlook: You're surrounded by money-making opportunities, and by love. Don't close the door on opportunities. File them for later, if you can't manage all now. Have faith in your own imagination. [...]

By |November 4th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Another Year Gone By…

What’s Right With Congress?

If I asked "what's wrong with Congress?" we'd be here all summer.  It's easier to answer "what's right with Congress?"!  Alan Grayson! As I told him on the show this morning, I'd be far less optimistic about the future of this nation if he weren't in Congress fighting for us. According to Dave Weigel at  Slate, Grayson has gone from being the Congressman "formerly known as crazy" to "the most effective member of the House" and MSNBC agreed. What happened?  Grayson is working both sides of the aisle to get work done. “We’ve passed 31 amendments in committee so far,” [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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