Another Monday and More F’ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show 1-13-25

      Just like death and taxes, Mondays come along every week, whether we want them or not. So, welcome to another Monday. Thankfully, Mondays are made less worse because Jonathan Larsen of and is here to help us digest some of the fucking news that we also cannot escape. Oh, by the way, speaking of substack, we now send The Nicole Sandler Show out on substack every afternoon following the live show. So go and subscribe at (It's still free, though we do depend on your donations and generosity to keep this thing going!)

By |January 13th, 2025|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Another Monday and More F’ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show 1-13-25

5-12-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Shilling Media

Andrea Mitchell Greenspan donned her best Clinton surrogate gear to "interview" Bernie Sanders yesterday and he showed why so many of us want him to be our next president. The media is still D'ump-obsessed, and George Zimmerman is back. Plus Driftglass, Howie Klein and a lot more on today's show. (And yesterday's show has been re-uploaded without the offending 30 seconds of a song that got us blocked yesterday... go back and hear the Sane Progressive!

By |May 12th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-12-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Shilling Media

4-28-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Playing The Woman’s Card

On a day when her guests are both men, Nicole salutes the woman who impresses her most in this campaign. It's Driftglass Thursday, in which he will explain the GOP's practice of "strategic forgettery" among other things, and Gaius Publius returns for a look at the state of the race and more!

By |April 28th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-28-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Playing The Woman’s Card

Bernie Sanders is not “nobody”

Welcome to today's stream-of-consciousness rant. Here's what happened on MSNBC this morning: Thomas Roberts was discussing the upcoming six (yay!) Democratic primary debates with a correspondent. Roberts then said, "Hillary will be debating nobody." The correspondent reminded him that Bernie Sanders is running. "Oh, but he's an Independent," said Roberts. 1. Bernie Sanders isn't "nobody." 2. Bernie has said repeatedly he's running as a Democrat. A "news" anchor should know that. Hell, I knew it! Why didn't Roberts? This was as demeaning as it was disrespectful to Bernie Sanders and to the Democratic primary process. Based on what I heard, Roberts appeared [...]

We the people need our own channel instead of being “terrorized by corporate cable news”

Couldn't have said it better myself: Here is a recent Los Angeles Times letter to the editor, because our voices matter: I will not let my jealousy of Rick Steves (for turning a passion for traveling into professional success) get in the way of congratulating him for his wonderful piece on the cable news-stoked fear gripping this country. The corporate media that create this fear damage our society in incalculable ways. ("Tune out cable news and turn away fear," Op-Ed, Nov. 4) As Steves says, their agenda is profit. But how could anyone not notice the ramping up of Islamic State [...]


Yay! Laffy's Big Road Trip was a complete success this year! (As opposed to other years.) Zion National Park was gorgeous, Bryce was spectacular, and our accommodations and dining experiences were great. The people in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona were nice as could be (well, except for that cop who pulled us over in Arizona for a law we'd never heard of-- the Move Over Law-- but at least he let us off with a warning... and turned out to be a fan of Mr. Laffy's show "Naked and Afraid"). Here's what wasn't gorgeous, spectacular, or great: Being stuck with CNN as [...]

Media Fail

  If there's one subject I talk about a lot on this show it's the epic failure of media in America. Today, I spoke with journalist David Dayen who wrote a piece for Al Jazeera America  about the "Better Off Budget" - the budget released by the Congressional Progressive Caucus on Wednesday of last week. Unless you saw Dayen's piece or read about in on another blog somewhere, you don't know that it was offered, because the mainstream, corporate media completely ignored it... as they do every year! Dave Johnson asked "Why the Blackout on the Progressive 'Better off Budget'?" [...]

Still Marching!

Fifty years later, we're still marching. Fifty years (and six months) ago, 200,00-300,ooo people turned out for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. This past Saturday 80,00-100,0o0 showed up in Raleigh North Carolina for the Moral March , something that has actually been happening in Raleigh every February since 2007 as part of the HKonJ -Historic Thousands on Jones Street (where the legislature meets). Writing about the march for RH Reality Check, PFAW's Peter Montgomery explains Last year’s merciless legislative assault on voting rights, public education, health care, and poor families gave progressive organizing a renewed urgency. Multimillionaire [...]

Why There’s No Coverage of #OccupyWallStreet on Your TV: Corporate Media Sucks

If you're wondering what's going on in NYC near Wall Street and in other cities around the world in the "global revolution", you're probably looking in the wrong places.  To see what's happening in New York City, you'll have to go to Al Jazeera or find the live feed online.  (I'm happy to assist you with that live feed here): globalrevolution on Broadcast Live Free Unfortunately,the stream is not very reliable, but it's better than the coverage you'll get watching any of the major networks or even the cable news channels. If you're wondering why there seems to be [...]

By |September 19th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Why There’s No Coverage of #OccupyWallStreet on Your TV: Corporate Media Sucks

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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