The look on Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway’s face: Priceless

I'm still under the weather, so keeping it short today. Lawrence O'Donnell has been doing one must-watch show after another these days. So, watch, enjoy, and share: For months, Lawrence O'Donnell has been waiting for the Trump campaign to be asked one very simple question about his taxes. It finally happened and the Trump campaign manager was stunned.

By |September 14th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The look on Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway’s face: Priceless

“Today is the day the political news media lost its mind”

Twitter lost its mind yesterday, in part because the political news media lost theirs, as you can see if you take a few minutes to watch the segment below from The Last Word. I spent hours batting away Trump trolls and even fellow Democrats who came up with every conspiracy theory you can imagine (and some you can't) about Hillary Clinton's health. I'm not a huge fan of some of Hillary's policies, but I'll be damned if I'll entertain such idiocy. "Idiocy?" you ask. Yes, idiocy. Here's one example of a message I got from someone I ended up unfollowing [...]

By |September 13th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Today is the day the political news media lost its mind”

“I don’t think [Trump] just flunked, I think he crashed and burned spectacularly”

Last night on MSNBC's The Last Word, Lawrence O'Donnell and his guests discussed the fiasco known as Donald Trump. Take 6 minutes to confirm your worst fears about Trump and how he spectacular flunked the commander in chief test: Donald Trump says if Vladimir Putin says good things about him, he'll say good things about him. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston & Naval War College professor Tom Nichols react. Tom Nichols, a conservative, had this to say about Disastous Don-Don's continuing descension into sub-ignorant depths: "I don't think he just flunked, I think he crashed and burned spectacularly. We've gotten used to [...]

Trump campaign spokesperson in 2012: “Any pure breeds left?”

Last night I took a screen grab of a tweet by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson. I did that just in case she felt compelled to scrub it. I don't remember a time when I've gotten such a huge reaction on Twitter. I mean, when you get retweets from Patton Oswalt and Josh Malina, you know you're onto something. Trump claims to be “the least racist person that you have ever met," yet ironically, he consistently makes comments and pushes policies that contradict that statement. He also makes a point of hiring people who have their own racist [...]

By |August 26th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Trump campaign spokesperson in 2012: “Any pure breeds left?”

“‘The military stuff’ will ‘make it all worse’” (VIDEO)

Via MSNBC: Washington’s “armchair generals” are applauding Pres. Obama’s military plans against ISIS, but is that the best course? Phyllis Bennis and William McCants discuss. After listening and watching, and watching and listening, I've come to the conclusion that, so far, Phyllis Bennis (of the Institute for Policy Studies) is the clearest and most credible voice when it comes to the ISIS mess we're getting ourselves into. William McCants' insights were also invaluable, but Bennis has come through with flying colors time after time. She deciphers the convoluted crises in the Middle East in an easily understood way, making me wish [...]

By |September 12th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “‘The military stuff’ will ‘make it all worse’” (VIDEO)

“‘Dither’ is the Republican word for “think” (VIDEO)

On "The Last Word," there was a segment devoted to how President's Obama is trying to deal with ISIS, including his order for an airstrike on terrorists in Somalia (see video above). Naturally, the names John McCain and Lindsey Graham were inserted into the conversation, because what would criticism of the president be without mention of war hawks like Grampy McBombBomb and his sidekick L'il Lindsey? Or someone else whose name rhymes with Schmee Schmouble-U Schmush?  Lawrence O'Donnell: "We're also living in the aftermath of the complete lack of a George W. Bush long term strategy for what it meant for the United States of America to invade, occupy, take [...]

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