Whose Airwaves? (04/21/2014)

Radio is a sound salvationRadio is cleaning up the nationThey say you better listen to the voice of reasonBut they don't give you any choice'cause they think that it's treason.So you had better do as you are told.You better listen to the radio.I wanna bite the hand that feeds me.I wanna bite that hand so badly.I want to make them wish they'd never seen me.Some of my friends sit around every eveningand they worry about the times aheadBut everybody else is overwhelmed by indifferenceand the promise of an early bedYou either shut up or get cut up;they don't wanna hear [...]


Tomorrow is April 15. It's s double-whammy this year. Not only is it tax filing day, but it's also the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing. It's easy to understand why I just want to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over my head. This year, I got my taxes done early. Unfortunately, I owe the IRS a lot of money. The reason why is might surprise you. Due to financial hardship, I had to take my savings out of my IRA. Obviously, I saved that money fully intending to use it after I retired. Unfortunately, life [...]

CPAC Madness

It's March, so time to break out the brackets. Since CPAC amazed and confused us this weekend, I thought I'd put together brackets to determine the king or queen of the conservatives. I couldn't decide if the competition should be for the craziest among them or who would be their 2016 nominee or, perhaps, if that was one and the same.  Either way, have fun with the bracket. Or use it as a dartboard... This morning,  RH Reality Check's Adele Stan - a survivor of many a CPAC - joined in to help me debrief this weekend's festivities.  Read Addie's [...]

Still Marching!

Fifty years later, we're still marching. Fifty years (and six months) ago, 200,00-300,ooo people turned out for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. This past Saturday 80,00-100,0o0 showed up in Raleigh North Carolina for the Moral March , something that has actually been happening in Raleigh every February since 2007 as part of the HKonJ -Historic Thousands on Jones Street (where the legislature meets). Writing about the march for RH Reality Check, PFAW's Peter Montgomery explains Last year’s merciless legislative assault on voting rights, public education, health care, and poor families gave progressive organizing a renewed urgency. Multimillionaire [...]

The TPP and More Monday Madness

At his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama publicly invoked the Trans Pacific Partnership for the first time, claiming "To boost American exports, support American jobs, and level the playing field in the growing markets of Asia, we intend to complete negotiations on a Trans-Pacific Partnership. And tonight I'm announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union, because trade that is fair and free across the Atlantic supports millions of good paying American jobs." When he spoke those words on Feb 12, 2o13, my jaw dropped. We had [...]

By |January 27th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The TPP and More Monday Madness

Dream On!

The picture above is the La Cienega Blvd exit of LA's 10 Freeway, which collapsed during the 1994 Northridge earthquake. It hit at 4:31am that Monday morning, on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. On any other morning, I would have driven on that freeway and gotten off at that exit to go to work at KLOS where I produced The Mark and Brian Show.  But I made a spur-of-the-moment-and very uncharacteristic decision the Friday afternoon before, and told my boss Carey Curelop (then PD of KLOS)  that I was going to take Monday off. MLK Day wasn't a day off for [...]

Cold Start to a New Year

Even here in Florida! For some reason, the mercury will hit 85 this afternoon, and dip down to 45 tonight. But no, there's no climate change. Not at all. The best part of my day was watching Maysoon Zayid's brilliant TED talk. In case you haven't seen it yet, have a look now. It's been too long since Maysoon joined us, so she came on this morning to talk about that experience and why General Hospital should hire her (and they should!) And, as it's Monday, Nicole Belle of Crooks and Liars joined in with our first Fools on the [...]

High Hopes

When I heard we'd get a new Springsteen song called "High Hopes," I wondered if it was a new song or a cover of the old Sinatra "classic".  It was neither... From the liner notes to the forthcoming album, also called High Hopes (due out Jan 14, 2014), Springsteen wrote: I was working on a record of some of our best unreleased material from the past decade when Tom Morello (sitting in for Steve during the Australian leg of our tour) suggested we ought to add "High Hopes" to our live set.  I had cut "High Hopes," a song by Tim [...]

By |November 25th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on High Hopes

There Could Be Catastrophic Consequences

The headline above could refer to any of the stories we covered today. We started the show with my interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott, one of the world's loudest, most passionate voices about the dangers of nukes - both weapons and power!  For decades, Dr. Caldicott has been educating the world, focusing on the grave danger posed to public health by radiation, by the contribution of nuclear power to global warming, and by the real capacity of nuclear weapons, technology, and waste, to render parts or all of the earth uninhabitable forever. At NuclearFreePlanet.org, I read Dr. Caldicott's articles about [...]

What’s Right With Congress?

If I asked "what's wrong with Congress?" we'd be here all summer.  It's easier to answer "what's right with Congress?"!  Alan Grayson! As I told him on the show this morning, I'd be far less optimistic about the future of this nation if he weren't in Congress fighting for us. According to Dave Weigel at  Slate, Grayson has gone from being the Congressman "formerly known as crazy" to "the most effective member of the House" and MSNBC agreed. What happened?  Grayson is working both sides of the aisle to get work done. “We’ve passed 31 amendments in committee so far,” [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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