3-16-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Murder, Nukes & Endless War

Today, Nicole recaps the weird murders outlined in HBO's The Jinx, leading up to Robert Dursts' arrest yesterday, and our 3 degrees of separation! Plus, two awful anniversaries: we talk Fukushima 4 with Harvey Wasserman, and 12 Years since Iraq

By |March 16th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-16-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Murder, Nukes & Endless War

Arrr – It’s Friday!

It's Talk Like a Pirate Day, the start of the People's Climate March & Mobilization, Flashback Friday, and Congress is in recess again. Nicole discusses it all, along with the rest of the news. No Nukes activist Harvey Wasserman, and Medical Marijuana advocate Robert Platshorn guest. And for Flashback Friday, we go back to 2000 for Nicole's interview and performance with Natalie Merchant.

Plutonium is Forever

Three years ago today, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, and triggered a massive tsunami that claimed among its victims the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and thus began a nuclear disaster whose scope is still not fully known, but will continue for generations to come. The news out of Japan these days is sparse, due to a newly-passed state secrets law that prohibits everyone from discussing the disaster (or any other bad news), and even prohibits journalists from asking questions about it, both punishable by long prison terms. Over here and in other parts of [...]

Don’t Drink the Water – or- Nowhere to Run

We're killing the planet. Actually, more accurately, we're making this planet uninhabitable. The picture above is one of a few I saw posted around the interwebs this morning of the "water" that's coming out of faucets in Charleston, WV today - after authorities gave the all-clear and said the stuff was safe to drink, bathe in, and give your kids. Lovely, huh? And even though information from Japan about what's going on at and around Fukushima is now non-existent due to a new state secrets law that prohibits the dissemination of information (and even prohibits journalists from asking the questions!), [...]

By |January 15th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Don’t Drink the Water – or- Nowhere to Run

Early October Snow in Colorado!

It was my final day filling in for Gloria Neal on AM 760 in Denver, Colorado.  While I sat in the studio of their sister stations in South Florida, I heard the newscaster talk about wet snow falling in Denver and surrounding areas.  Snow! On October 4!  I guess I'm glad I live in South Florida, sort of. Anyway, it was a busy show... In the first hour, I was joined by Harvey Wasserman of NukeFree.org.  As you can probably tell by now, I'm on a quest to make sure as many people as possible know about the disastrous situation [...]

By |October 6th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Early October Snow in Colorado!

Who Do You Love?

I love Joe Biden for saying this (and putting the ear worm in my head): Pretty awesome. I love France for kicking Sarkozy and his austerity agenda to the curb, and for electing their first Socialist president in almost two decades. Some of the things I love about President-elect Hollande: * Hollande opposes an economic policy based only on austerity and has promised to renegotiate the European fiscal compact to include provisions on jobs and growth; * Although he has pledged to balance public finances by the end of 2017, Hollande has also said he will adapt that target if growth [...]

What if…

What if we could go back in time for an hour and ask the founding fathers what they meant? Would we still allow just about anyone with enough money to buy a gun? What if the tea party was black? What if the Supreme Court hadn't overstepped its authority and appointed George W. Bush president? What if we hadn't invaded Iraq? So many "what ifs" I spend too much time pondering.  Today, we'll address the first two questions. Free Press Senior Editor and "Superpower of Peace" columnist Harvey Wasserman is also senior advisor to Greenpeace USA and the Nuclear Information [...]

By |January 19th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on What if…

The President Went to the Gulf, and All We Got was a Lousy Speech!

I put my thoughts about the president's speech in writing last night. Just scroll down to yesterday's blog to read my anger.  Of course, on today's show, I had a bit more to say.  We listened back to some of the pertinent points and did some fact-checking too, with a little help from the AP. I also opened the phone lines and took some calls... We checked in with Harvey Wasserman, author of  Solartopia! whose latest missive, "Corporate Apocalypse vs. Solartopian Survival" is on FreePress.org and other sites today.  We spoke about what President Obama could have and [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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