4-19-23 Nicole Sandler Show – RIP Robert Platshorn, America’s Most Punished Pot Smuggler

  Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/fd6b627a-7c0c-40cf-aec3-1e6c8466e1d6.mp3   It's 420 Eve, and my friend Robert Platshorn died. So, a special show about pot - weed- cannabis. What ever you call it, it was what Robert Platshorn was known for. He served almost 30 years in federal prison for smuggling pot back in the 1970s. Upon his release, he founded The Silver Tour to educate senior citizens about the value of medical marijuana. Today, we'll go back to our first conversation after he was [...]

By |April 20th, 2023|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 4-19-23 Nicole Sandler Show – RIP Robert Platshorn, America’s Most Punished Pot Smuggler

3-9-17 Nicole Sandler Show- Pot ‘n’ Politics

It's a busy day. I was out yesterday for the Women's Strike! I originally had my old friend Robert Platshorn scheduled to join me then, but moved him to today so I could participate yesterday. So I apologize for the rushed nature of our interview. But I wanted to get him on in time for anyone interested in going to the next Meet the Experts symposium to have time to plan to get to Atlantic City for the event happening March 18-19. Robert Platshorn was busted for smuggling marijuana into South Florida back in 1978 and, in 1980 was sentenced to [...]

By |March 9th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-9-17 Nicole Sandler Show- Pot ‘n’ Politics

4-24-15 Nicole Sandler Show – FUBAR!

Today, Nicole looks at things that are FUBAR in our world. Marijuana activist Robert Platshorn served over 3 decades imprisoned for pot. And Amy Ziering tells about her latest film, The Hunting Ground, about the rape epidemic on college campuses.

Friday Weed & Music

Because it's Friday, Nicole focuses on some of the better things in life. Medical Marijuana activist Robert Platshorn joins in with details of the upcoming Rally in Tally and the latest in pot news. We celebrate Joan Baez' 74th birthday with a Flashback Friday session with Baez and Dar Williams from 1996 at a Starbucks in Los Angeles!

Weed and Music

      I usually appreciate Fridays as much as the next person, knowing that with the weekend comes some down time. But this week, I really needed it. The end of the week that gave us "rectal rehydration" and other images that we can never erase from our minds couldn't come soon enough. But it wasn't only the torture report. We saw the Democrats cave, yet again. They let the Republicans get away with pushing through a massive spending bill with a number of truly heinous provisions shoved in, literally at the last-minute in the dead of night behind [...]

Should Grandma Smoke Pot?

Watch the video and visit The Silver Tour for more information! Robert Platshorn, the man behind "Grandma" joins in on the show this morning, updating us on where and when it's airing, plus the latest on the progress to end prohibition. And GottaLaff of The Political Carnival visits to talk about these stories and more: John McCain’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Joke Source– John McCain on economic inequality: “I don’t care, nobody cares.” Anthony Weiner is ba-a-a-ack. But WTF did he tweet? VIDEO– Mitch McConnell: “They want to take me out.” Oh f***! Parents group wants FCC to [...]

Should Grandma Smoke Pot?

Medical Marijuana is legal 17 states and Washington DC, and legislation is pending in seven more.  But the Department of Justice under President Obama is still closing dispensaries and prosecuting people under federal law instead of following states' laws. Robert Platshorn, author of The Black Tuna Diaries (his story of arrest and 30-year incarceration for pot smuggling), is leading the charge to educate our senior citizens on the subject of Medical Marijuana.  He produced this film, Should Grandma Smoke Pot, and will run it all over the nation as an infomercial. Having interviewed Robert a few times over the years, [...]

By |September 6th, 2012|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Should Grandma Smoke Pot?

Medical Marijuana Monday

You just know that the gang working on the Lawrence Welk Show was smoking pot. Here we are, decades later, and one man is making sure the senior citizens know how much a bit of the medical kush could help them Robert Platshorn spent 30 years in jail for smuggling pot back in the late 70s.  As a kid growing up in South Florida at the time, I probably smoked some of his imports.  Platshorn was sentenced to 64 years (!!!), but for good behavior and with parole, he got off easy.  Or not. Since his release, Robert has been [...]

By |April 9th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Medical Marijuana Monday

Is It Appropriate to Say “Happy 420 Day”?

MSNBC's Tamryn Hall actually asked Ryan Grim that question this afternoon, to which he answered an emphatic "Yes.. Happy 420".  I'm not kidding... See for yourself in what was one of the best segments I've seen on the place for politics, during the daytime anyway... I put together my own 420 salute, with a little help from Ryan Grim's appearance with Tamryn Hall on MSNBC... And  Ryan Grim joined my on the show tonight too, to discuss the origins of 420, and take a look at the progress we've made toward ending prohibition.  By the way, if you're curious about [...]

By |April 20th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Is It Appropriate to Say “Happy 420 Day”?

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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