11-1-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Joan Walsh on Corporate Bullsh*t Through the Years

  View on Zencastr   The asterisk in the title of today's show isn't mine; it's in the title of the book I'll be discussing with the one & only Joan Walsh today: CORPORATE BULLSH*T: EXPOSING THE LIES AND HALF-TRUTHS THAT PROTECT PROFIT, POWER, AND WEALTH IN AMERICA. Joan wrote the book with two co-authors-- progressive billionaire Nick Hanauer (who I've long wished to interview) and founder and executive director of In the Public Interest Donald Cohen (who I have interviewed before). Joan, of course, is now national affairs correspondent for THE NATION, who's been writing about the news from [...]

By |November 1st, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-1-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Joan Walsh on Corporate Bullsh*t Through the Years

8-13-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with @GottaLaff (and Bobby Tuna Too)

 We begin our week at the Nicole Sandler Show on Tuesdays, so we have a lot of catching up to do with the news that broke over the weekend- most notably the death, presumably by suicide, of the most notorious criminal in US custody today. We'll begin today with a visit from my friend Robert Platshorn, who served 30 years in federal prison for smuggling marijuana in the 70s, about the idea of committing suicide while in federal custody. Check out The Silver Tour, and the TV show, "Should Grandma Smoke Pot?" Then, since it's Tuesday, GottaLaff returns to [...]

By |August 15th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-13-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with @GottaLaff (and Bobby Tuna Too)

8-13-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff (and Bobby Tuna Too)

 We begin our week at the Nicole Sandler Show on Tuesdays, so we have a lot of catching up to do with the news that broke over the weekend- most notably the death, presumably by suicide, of the most notorious criminal in US custody today. We'll begin today with a visit from my friend Robert Platshorn, who served 30 years in federal prison for smuggling marijuana in the 70s, about the idea of committing suicide while in federal custody. Check out The Silver Tour, and the TV show, "Should Grandma Smoke Pot?" Then, since it's Tuesday, GottaLaff returns to [...]

By |August 13th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-13-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff (and Bobby Tuna Too)

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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