9-28-23 Nicole’s Moving Shows #9 – Lawrence O’Donnell

  View on Zencastr Today, we reach back into the thick of the early days of the pandemic… March 11, 2020. Not only was it Covid time, it was the pinnacle of the 2020 presidential primaries…. In fact, this show was the day after the so-called mini-Tuesday after which Joe Biden appeared to have clinched the nomination to knock Bernie Sanders out of the race. Needless to say, not a happy day for me… But we got past that news in time for MSNBC's Lawrence O’Donnell to call in to the show after he and I had a little Twitter [...]

By |September 28th, 2023|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 9-28-23 Nicole’s Moving Shows #9 – Lawrence O’Donnell

3-11-20 Nicole Sandler Show – West Wing Wednesday with @Lawrence O’Donnell

Download here or click below to play   Nicole Sandler welcomes MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell to the show today to have the conversation we started on Twitter last week regarding socialism. It comes the day after "Mini Tuesday" in which Bernie Sanders took a beating from Joe Biden, but announced he's staying in the debate and looking forward to Sunday night's one-on-one debate.

By |March 11th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-11-20 Nicole Sandler Show – West Wing Wednesday with @Lawrence O’Donnell

3-11-20 Nicole Sandler Show – West Wing Wednesday with Lawrence O’Donnell

Download here or click below to play   Nicole Sandler welcomes MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell to the show today to have the conversation we started on Twitter last week regarding socialism. It comes the day after "Mini Tuesday" in which Bernie Sanders took a beating from Joe Biden, but announced he's staying in the debate and looking forward to Sunday night's one-on-one debate. And yes, there's video (well, of me anyway)! https://youtu.be/ryrSFmUWV_8

By |March 11th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-11-20 Nicole Sandler Show – West Wing Wednesday with Lawrence O’Donnell

Trump campaign spokesperson in 2012: “Any pure breeds left?”

Last night I took a screen grab of a tweet by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson. I did that just in case she felt compelled to scrub it. I don't remember a time when I've gotten such a huge reaction on Twitter. I mean, when you get retweets from Patton Oswalt and Josh Malina, you know you're onto something. Trump claims to be “the least racist person that you have ever met," yet ironically, he consistently makes comments and pushes policies that contradict that statement. He also makes a point of hiring people who have their own racist [...]

By |August 26th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Trump campaign spokesperson in 2012: “Any pure breeds left?”

“‘Dither’ is the Republican word for “think” (VIDEO)

On "The Last Word," there was a segment devoted to how President's Obama is trying to deal with ISIS, including his order for an airstrike on terrorists in Somalia (see video above). Naturally, the names John McCain and Lindsey Graham were inserted into the conversation, because what would criticism of the president be without mention of war hawks like Grampy McBombBomb and his sidekick L'il Lindsey? Or someone else whose name rhymes with Schmee Schmouble-U Schmush?  Lawrence O'Donnell: "We're also living in the aftermath of the complete lack of a George W. Bush long term strategy for what it meant for the United States of America to invade, occupy, take [...]

Everything is Broken

When three people, including 8-year old Martin Richards-pictured above, are killed and upwards of 180 injured at a public sporting event, something is broken. When an injured marathon spectator is considered a "suspect" in the bombing because he's a  Saudi national, something is broken. When Rupert Murdoch's propaganda outlets can spread hate and lies and call them "news", something is broken. When public figures tweet out "Kill the Muslims", something is broken. When American Airlines returns a plane to the gate at Logan because two passengers are speaking Arabic, something is broken. When poison laced envelopes are sent to members [...]

Awesomeness and Laffs

How do you do a radio show when you're feeling flu-ish? Invite the Awesome Bob Cesca and Gotta Laff to be your guests!  OK, Laffy was already scheduled (she's on with me every Tuesday morning), but Bob Cesca is certainly coming to the rescue. For readers not in the know, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go! is here, and you also read him on Huffington Post.  He's no stranger to radio either; he and Elvis Dingeldein host a weekly podcast too.  We'll talk about whatever comes up, though I'm sure we'll hit on the fact that Richard Shelby is blocking the [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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